A "n1gga" is the most degrading, dehumanizing and belittling word a people can call themselves
Who cares if other races are calling themselves "n1ggas".....folks act like the word "n1gga" is synonymous with dignity , high class and being highly respected and something black people should be PROUD to be
My question is when are black people going to break the curse and stop calling themselves that disgusting word?
Let these other groups have the word.
I don't care about the other races but if you're black and the Nword is in your vocab, I automatically can't trust you and a wall goes up in my mind.
It's not just a word.....there's a mentality behind the word that I can't rock with.
If the only word a black person can use to refer to black people is "n1ggas", I can't trust you off top.
If you're black and don't use the word I have the highest respect for you
Language and the words you choose to express yourself tells all.