Toe Jay Simpson
She going out bad
She's a missionary. Pụssy blander dena unsalted premium cracker with a glass of milk.That's the thing, she's a Mowry. I just can't believe she out there just giving the p*ssy up all willie-nillie.
If she is then![]()
She seriously thought that COURTING was awaiting her in these streets?Chick ALREADY had a Breh, doing all the stuff she wishes she can find elsewhere...
Done let a bunch of Single, Bitter Broads, talk her out of her position.
Straight GOOFY SHYT!
Still funny and sad how the first thought from gals and guys alike was that he cheated or stepped out on her.
I’m quite sure she had a few folk telling her that it was trash out here, so try and make your situation work. She talmbout she graduated, passively disrespecting the man. Sometimes you gotta let folk starve.
I do hope she gets another opportunity for love and commitment. I just think ole boy should move on and not look back
She doesn't realise that 45 year old men also come with baggage.Who wants to court a 45 year old woman with baggage? At that point you know what the deal is.
So she left her husband for the most untraditional reasons and now she wanna be out her looking for a traditional relationship? What breh is really gonna line up to wife her 45 year old, 2 kid having, now known to leave a man for no legitimate reason azz? She about to remain single or downgrade to a Tubi-tier actor. Hate to see it.
Dingbat must’ve graduated from a school where the kids had to wear helmets for “safety reasons”She also said she graduated. Lol
She seriously thought that COURTING was awaiting her in these streets?
It’s a crime for her to have lived this much life to still not know anything about men and to be as naive as a 9 year old girl
Yeapyou had a good man who loved you just for you and you tossed it away
What does she expect she's 45 year old. brehs just see it as an easy lilck
Its that "Emotional Reasoning", where "How She Feels", supersedes REALITY.
She is slightly attractive and "Famous", so "SURELY" she can "Find what she had before, but ONLY BETTER".
Combine that with all the: "You Deserve The Best", "Don't Settle", mantras, and there you go.
These Chicks be having other SINGLE Broads, VALIDATING the foolishness they think.
Average Dude, especially a Breh, will clown the fukk out of one of his Boys, if they are on some Dumb Shyt.
A lot of Ladies don't do that.
They are too worried, that in turn they will be "Judged" by one of their "Friends".
So they keep quiet.
Also they know that disagreeing with one of their "Friends", can often mean the END of that relationship.
As "Criticism" isn't welcome.
The bottom line is the "Dating Game", has changed since She met her previous Husband.
She ALSO has gotten OLDER, which she probably doesn't even consider.
She can find a Plethora of Dudes who want to "Smash", but someone who wants to "Walk the Path Of Life", with her...
LOGICALLY That Shyt is going to be harder to find...
But this isn't about "LOGIC", but rather "FEELINGS".
I've said this story so many times, my sister when she was getting married her best friend at the time told her don't do it, you're to young, he's this and that etc.
15 years later my sister is still married with three kids and her former best friend is fat, single, no man no kids and in her early 40s