Tia Mowry can pinpoint the exact moment she knew her marriage was over "its about self love "


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
U called your marriage successful :dead:

Lol I know what you mean

We had a separation, that was necessary. There were issues that needed to be worked out and could have been.

We went through our ups and downs. But that separation allowed me to see what was up

I tried to reconcile for my child's sake. I loved the woman, I had my old life waiting for me, we most definitely could have reconciled "stronger than ever"

But I knew it wasn't what was destined for me


May 6, 2012
People more dedicated to their jobs than a whole marriage.

They'll get up and go to work 5 days a week 40 hours or more and hate every minute of it but will stay there and make it work.

The same person will get married, spend more time at the same job and turn around leave their spouse over "growing apart"... Not getting cheated on, or abuse... but growing apart.


Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
People more dedicated to their jobs than a whole marriage.

They'll get up and go to work 5 days a week 40 hours or more and hate every minute of it but will stay there and make it work.

The same person will get married, spend more time at the same job and turn around leave their spouse over "growing apart"... Not getting cheated on, or abuse... but growing apart.


That's why we need to work less hours in america. The institution of marriage is on the verge of collapse due to extensive work hours


Nov 18, 2016
I'm so glad she prioritized her happiness. You can't be a good parent if you're miserable. Her prioritizing her mental health will be better, in the long run, for the well being of her children. I don't know what her ex did to destroy her mental health to the point of having to end their marriage, but, he'll get his in the end. b*stard. Anyway, good for your Tia! BRAVO!!! 🥳🤩😍
:laff: :laff: :laff:
Dec 19, 2017

The Bored Sex​

Women, more than men, tend to feel stultified by long-term exclusivity—despite having been taught that they were designed for it.

Marta Meana of the University of Nevada at Las Vegas spelled it out simply in an interview with me at the annual Society for Sex Therapy and Research conference in 2017. “Long-term relationships are tough on desire, and particularly on female desire,” she said. I was startled by her assertion, which contradicted just about everything I’d internalized over the years about who and how women are sexually. Somehow I, along with nearly everyone else I knew, was stuck on the idea that women are in it for the cuddles as much as the orgasms, and—besides—actually require emotional connection and familiarity to thrive sexually, whereas men chafe against the strictures of monogamy.

But Meana discovered that “institutionalization of the relationship, overfamiliarity, and desexualization of roles” in a long-term heterosexual partnership mess with female passion especially—a conclusion that’s consistent with other recent studies.

“Moving In With Your Boyfriend Can Kill Your Sex Drive” was how Newsweek distilled a 2017 study of more than 11,500 British adults aged 16 to 74. It found that for “women only, lack of interest in sex was higher among those in a relationship of over one year in duration,” and that “women living with a partner were more likely to lack interest in sex than those in other relationship categories.” A 2012 study of 170 men and women aged 18 to 25 who were in relationships of up to nine years similarly found that women’s sexual desire, but not men’s, “was significantly and negatively predicted by relationship duration after controlling for age, relationship satisfaction, and sexual satisfaction.” Two oft-cited German longitudinal studies, published in 2002 and 2006, show female desire dropping dramatically over 90 months, while men’s holds relatively steady. (Tellingly, women who didn’t live with their partners were spared this amusement-park-ride-like drop—perhaps because they were making an end run around overfamiliarity.) And a Finnish seven-year study of more than 2,100 women, published in 2016, revealed that women’s sexual desire varied depending on relationship status: Those in the same relationship over the study period reported less desire, arousal, and satisfaction. Annika Gunst, one of the study’s co-authors, told me that she and her colleagues initially suspected this might be related to having kids. But when the researchers controlled for that variable, it turned out to have no impact.

Many women want monogamy. It’s a cozy arrangement, and one our culture endorses, to put it mildly. But wanting monogamy isn’t the same as feeling desire in a long-term monogamous partnership. The psychiatrist and sexual-health practitioner Elisabeth Gordon told me that in her clinical experience, as in the data, women disproportionately present with lower sexual desire than their male partners of a year or more, and in the longer term as well. “The complaint has historically been attributed to a lower baseline libido for women, but that explanation conveniently ignores that women regularly start relationships equally as excited for sex.” Women in long-term, committed heterosexual partnerships might think they’ve “gone off” sex—but it’s more that they’ve gone off the same sex with the same person over and over.
Basically....women need variety from different dikks but they have to choose between having a solid breh or being out in the streets.

Women have a weaker sex drive. If they had a sex drive like men, there would be ZERO incels. Men would get all the puzzy they want from sexually liberated, horny broads. These studies always try to make it seem like women are stifled. What really happens is that 100% of women have a raw, animalistic attraction to a small portion of men. These guys only have to offer dikk, and can get the broad without doing anything else. All the other men have to actually have game or spend money/time etc. There's plenty of free-99 dikk for women but they only want the same men that every other woman wants...hence the frustration and settling for a dude.

And most of these chicks are starfish in bed so....


Dec 15, 2019
If you are no longer happy in the marriage I don't think it's selfish to end the marriage idk what to tell you I'm not outraged this doesn't bother me nor do I find it selfish. She wanted out and exercised that right.
but if this is a right you can exercise at will, and you do so in the absence of extrenuating circumstances (infidelity, abuse, etc) , then it invalidates the institution itself. Its not intended to be a breakable contract, just cause you felt like it . Its no better than a standard boyfriend-girlfriend scenario at this point, because there is no garuntee.

I see it in the same lens as the relationship with your mortgage to your bank. It is purposefully structured to be longterm, and you are completely at fault for just exiting it because you're feeling bad.

And Just like the mortgage example, i think such a thing would be acceptable in the marriage situation if indemnity or damages were paid to the person remaining bereft at no fault of their own, much the same way you compensate a bank to leave a mortgage. The issue for men going forward is that marraige does not resemble that mortgage backed by assets, but is instead like an unsecured loan to a gender with an avg emotional credit score of 550.:francis:

Even worse here is the fact that the agrieved person is often not the one getting restitution for the botched contract, but instead it is the person breaking it. If we keep the mortgage example, marraige is currently structured like a mortgage where you break the contract and you are rewarded with reverse payments from the bank. The bank is paying you for the privlege of wasting their time and resources.

Why would anyone enter such a flawed contract? ::dahell:


Mar 17, 2013
Keeping my overhead low, and my understand high

Tia Mowry can pinpoint the exact moment she knew her marriage was over
Mowry opened up about the "awakening" that led to her walking away from her marriage of 14 years: "It's about self-love."

I knew when I really started to focus on my happiness,” she said Nov. 16 on TODAY with Hoda & Jenna. “I feel like women, we tend to focus on everybody else’s happiness, making sure that everybody else is OK — meaning our children, our friends, our family.

“But at the end of the day, it’s about self-love. When you start to really work on yourself, love yourself, know your value and know your worth, then all of a sudden, there’s this awakening. And it’s not easy. It’s a hard journey, but at the end of the day, I feel like it is so, so worth it.”

Mowry and Hardrict, who share children Cree, 11, and Cairo, 4, married in 2008. According to court documents obtained by TODAY, Mowry filed for divorce on Oct. 3, citing irreconcilable differences.

On TODAY, Mowry said enduring the deaths of her grandmother and her twin sister Tamera Mowry-Housley's niece, Alaina Housley, in close succession, also contributed to her decision by putting life into perspective

“I feel like when I started to, again, like I said, focus on myself, but there was this sadness. And I knew that life is short. I had actually lost my grandmother. We had lost Alaina Housley. And both of them at the same time,” she said.

“There was just an 'aha' moment in me where I said, ‘You know what? We need to tap in, see what’s really going on with your happiness. Life is short. Let’s go. Let’s start working on you and really focusing on what really, really matters here, which is at the end of the day, your peace, your joy and your happiness.’”

Mowry credits therapy with helping her make this major life change. “I was in therapy, as well. I’m a huge fan of therapy. It was all that together that gave me that 'aha' moment,” she said

Ultimately, Mowry said she doesn't look at her relationship with Hardrict as a failure.

“My marriage was a success,” she said. “I look at it as like a curriculum when you’re in college or high school. You’re learning, you’re growing, you’re evolving, you’re creating. I was able to create with Cory some beautiful, amazing children. At the end of that curriculum, there's a graduation, there’s a celebration. So that’s basically how I’m looking at it now.

“And I feel like ... when (people) look at marriage, success equals longevity. But, no, at the end of the day, it’s are they happy? Are they thriving? Are they growing? I feel like that is what is most important. It’s not about staying in something because however long you are in that situation that equals success. It’s about really, again, are you happy? Because life is really short.”

During an appearance on TODAY in October, Mowry-Housley said she would support her twin no matter what.

Nah...the point of marriage is to not be lonely af when you're old


May 25, 2022
Bird Babble.

She was literally talking in cricles. Talking about "graduating" from her marriage. So no one cheated?

Because she's really going with the story of one day she realized she wasn't happy so she tossed 10+ years of marriage with kids into the bushes? :francis:
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Dec 11, 2012
Bird Babble.

She was literally talking in cricles. Talking about "graduating" from her marriage. So no one cheated?

Because she really is going with the story of one day she realized she wasn't happy so she tossed 10+ years of marriage with kids in the bushes? :francis:

The "social penalty" that existed for women leaving marriages/cheating don't exist no more...

That's what it boils down too...