We've done this before...black fighters that were ranked in the Top 10 of the division when Floyd fought there:
Stevie Forbes while he was at 130, Stevie Johnston at 135, Vivian Harris and Junior Witter at 140, Cory Spinks/Paul Williams/Joshua Clottey/Andre Berto/Timothy Bradley/Devon Alexander/Shawn Porter/Keith Thurman/Kell Brook at 147, Vernon Forrest/Verno Phillips/James Kirkland/Austin Trout/K-9/Demetrius Andrade at 154.
Floyd just be on histhing.
Stop it with this non sense lmao real talk if it wasnt Floyd black people wouldn't even be associated with boxing anymore
real talk
this why I'm astonished with all this c00n talk and envy, all these black fighters been taking ass whippings from the latinos except Floyd straight up, he wouldn't be fighting them if these cats weren't losing to them
also you just named some black fighters and not the time when these fights would have even made sense to take place
none of those names you listed even make sense
if there's a new influx of great black talent it will come from black kids wanting to be mayweather period
Steve forbes are you fukking kidding me
Clottey lmao
vernon forrest, wasn't in the mix when Floyd moved up to 147, he moved up strictly to get
junior witter and cory spinks both lost to Zab who had lost to fukking Carlos Baldomir before he fought Floyd, Floyd moved up strictly to get a fight with De La Hoya and Zab was just a stepping stone
Berto had the hype behind and was on the verge of becoming a star, and got his ass whipped by victor ortiz, so Floyd fought him, all he had to do was beat Victor, and Floyd is fighting him anyway giving him the stimulus ackae
Bradley lmao, what's the last black guy bradley fought, he going life and death with generic eurocacs and basic ass mexican fighterfs
Devon Alexander, all he had to do was keep winning, and you forget he's only had a handful of fights at 147, when Floyd has already doing mega fights, Devon's career is basically over at this point, he's an extreme disappointment
Porter just became relevant the last couple years, and he already took an L and hasn't looked good in his last fights
knocking all the air out his career
as thurman even fought a decent black fighter, no wonder he's scared of spence, he has a paper belt anyway, floyd's the WBA champ, and he damn near got stopped by a generic latino himself
fukking kirkland, the nikka got knocked the fukk out by a goddamn jap, stop with this nonsense
canelo made this nikka look rhonda rousey's opponents
Trout lost to Canelo you fukking moron when was he suppose to fight him
this moronic shyt is what I'm talking about
the fact is the Latino fighters floyd fought are better than any of those guys you named period that's just the facts
nikkaz ain't great at boxing anymore, Floyd was the last great black fighter there hasn't been another great since Floyd hit the scene, that's just the facts
which is why everybody is high on spence hoping he can be somebody special
this c00n ass shyt is pure retardation man straight up