So because he lost to Bradley at 40yrs old he isn't elite.
Fukk outta here with this, when he beat Manny he prime, now but but but
Who JMM beat of notice besides Manny, and a shot metal plate Barrera that dropped him and gave him all hell
bytch ass running to cry in the lockerroom
Like Ive stated you box JMM you beat him easily, he's no counterpuncher, he's a stalking boxer puncher, box him and that counterpunching facade he tricks people into melts away instantly
Best Scenario for team Manny JMM will get black balled from hence forth Manny can freely go about and fight without the JMM ghost haunting him, and I aint even mad JMM played his cards like a bytch nikka post Manny 4, he could have made 10+ mill vs Manny and May but ducked both fights for low dollars and a easy touch.....................