Not changing my tone, it's a fair question to ask. Ziggler has stepped up his game over the years to get where he is now. What has Kofi done since 2009 to get himself to where he's in main event level matches?
You did move the goalpost , but to answer your question, Kofi hasn't done anything anything since that feud. Not gonna lie about that. That's the thing I hate about him. We don't know what really goes on backstage, but dude just seems so complacent. He's feels too comfortable in his position. That's why I can't stand alot of these current superstar. I respect Dolph because you can tell he wants to improve more and more. Even though, he's still lacking in the promo area, at least he's shown improvements over the years unlike Kofi. That's why I don't even really care anymore if he gets a push or not.