Master Baker
if you have to pay for your own abortion, you should get an abortion 

Chris let us know on Everybody Hates Chris that he ain’t no tough guy. His wit is his weapon and he is using it. Don’t know why that man talking about an incident that happened to him got y’all so aggy.
He even jokes on himself when I saw him in Atlanta last year. He said the guy that played pookie is not winning a fight against the guy that played Ali.
Chris didn't do any interviews, didn't go on a PR tour talking about the slap, hell WILL HAS TALKED ABOUT IT MORE THAN CHRIS.
Yall, and social media too, be acting weird when yall act like Chris is not allowed to say anything or god forbid as a comedian, actually have the audacity to make jokes about it.
nikka got slapped and somehow he's the one who's in a no win situation. Anything he does regarding the incident people get mad/will get mad at him about. Lord forbid the first time he answers a question about it in an interview, people gonna be like "oMg GeT oVeR iT cHrIs"
He need to get to Will.
Deval fukking Patrick told that four seasons joke with much better delivery