This is where BM depravity and toxic masculinity leads: BW homicide rate at 70 year lows


All Star
Jul 3, 2018
Uh, this graph doesn’t feel so good

did you mean to post this one because this is absolutely depressing

yes the rate improved but it was astronomically bad before and is still god awful in comparison to ww. jesus man.

please tell me these are the made up numbers by the white supremacists


Yea the numbers are still bad

Had experiences growing up where I seen my mothers friend get hit in her face closed fist by her husband unprovoked

My aunts husband tried to almost kill her

Have young cousins who have no problem putting their hands on women

But I do have a big problem with ppl trying to make black men the face of toxic masculinity

Believe toxic masculinity manifests differently depending on the individual, their environment


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
Uh, this graph doesn’t feel so good

did you mean to post this one because this is absolutely depressing

yes the rate improved but it was astronomically bad before and is still god awful in comparison to ww. jesus man.

please tell me these are the made up numbers by the white supremacists


Government data unfortunately. Don't look at the BM numbers since those are multiple times worse. We have a homicide problem in our community, I have no problem with saying that. I just have a problem when people try to make a collective issue a BM v BW slanderfest.


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
Re-upping this thread due to some of the other threads on tragic murders of Black women.

Note some updated info: prior to COVID in 2019 Black female homicide numbers hit an all time low of 4 per 100,000 Black women, almost only 1/4 of the peak rate in 1970. It was also basically closing in on the White woman rate (between 1 and 2) in a way Black male stats aren't. White woman had a rate of 3.2 in 1980 so for comparison Black women were right above that.

The COVID violence surge pushed this number up substantially like everyone else and it hit 7.5 per 100,000 in 2021 at the peak but is likely down at least 25% since then if it tracks male homicide trends (data not yet available) so is probably around the mid 5's now. Even at 7.5, Black women are safer than any time except the early 2000s (including the 50s and 60s when crime was much lower).

Also the lower numbers are not due to better EMS since studies on that effect state its impact peaked in the 70s and 80s after trauma practices from the Vietnam War became widespread.

Don't get me wrong, a lot needs to be done to decrease homicide in our community and this is no victory lap but anyone claiming Black women are in an unprecedented age of being targeted for violence by Black men is way off.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Re-upping this thread due to some of the other threads on tragic murders of Black women.

Note some updated info: prior to COVID in 2019 Black female homicide numbers hit an all time low of 4 per 100,000 Black women, almost only 1/4 of the peak rate in 1970. It was also basically closing in on the White woman rate (between 1 and 2) in a way Black male stats aren't. White woman had a rate of 3.2 in 1980 so for comparison Black women were right above that.

The COVID violence surge pushed this number up substantially like everyone else and it hit 7.5 per 100,000 in 2021 at the peak but is likely down at least 25% since then if it tracks male homicide trends (data not yet available) so is probably around the mid 5's now. Even at 7.5, Black women are safer than any time except the early 2000s (including the 50s and 60s when crime was much lower).

Also the lower numbers are not due to better EMS since studies on that effect state its impact peaked in the 70s and 80s after trauma practices from the Vietnam War became widespread.

Don't get me wrong, a lot needs to be done to decrease homicide in our community and this is no victory lap but anyone claiming Black women are in an unprecedented age of being targeted for violence by Black men is way off.
Pardon me if it was covered in the thread already, but as of 2024 do Black women suffer the highest homicide rates among American women? And has that historically been the case?
And is this true for the total numbers, not just the rates? If they make up a small % of population, yet a high % of female homicide victims, then there is cause for concern and action to address it.

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
Pardon me if it was covered in the thread already, but as of 2024 do Black women suffer the highest homicide rates among American women? And has that historically been the case?
And is this true for the total numbers, not just the rates? If they make up a small % of population, yet a high % of female homicide victims, then there is cause for concern and action to address it.
Sir we had a feminazi that came running into a thread yesterday trying to spew misconceptions. When we showed her and others the actual findings in the stats she took off running, because she was caught spreading misinformation. So lets clear up a few things. There is a difference between overall homicides and "partner homicides." Those are two different categories. Here was an article posted by NPR based upon stats from the CDC

"The report also found that black and indigenous women are slain, in general, at significantly higher rates than women of other races. Black women are killed at a rate of 4.4 per 100,000 people, and indigenous women at a rate of 4.3 per 100,000; every other race has a homicide rate of between 1 and 2 per 100,000.

Hispanic women who were killed, meanwhile, were the most likely to be killed in connection to partner violence (61 percent of all homicides of Hispanic women)."

So when you are just looking at a number you don't realize that the stats are not stating what people think that they are stating. There is a difference between homicides of women and partner violence homicide of women. So what those stats point to is that Black women are not dying in domestic partner violence at the same percentage as Hispanic women, which means that people are misapplying and overstating Black women death attributed to to intimate partner violence. The fact that Black women and Native American women are dying at such a high rate points to stuff like substance abuse, prostitution and homelessness. We already know that Native women have a history of substance abuse so when you see Black deaths on par and even greater than that of Native Americans then that should tell you that the deaths are more in line with women engaged in illicit street activities, because they would be exposing themselves to abusive violent men.
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