Again, this isn't neccesrily about accolades, bodies of work, impact, preferance....all of that can be factored in AFTER you think about the Narrative.
There are certain MC's that are foundational and architechs, I have no qualms about anybody still holding Rakim as a top 5 MC though I understand that the longer we go, the more those guys simply become apart of the foundation and seemingly less noteworthy.
The reason why Jay/Nas and their contemporaries dominate that top 5 is because they bridge the gap.
You CANNOT tell Jay-Z, Nas or Eminem's story without Rakim and his ilk....
You CANNOT tell Kendrick Lamar's story without 2pac, Jay. Nas or Eminem, they're baked into that greatness for a reason.
That is why those types are Mt. Rusmore status 'objectively', not because of awards or numbers, but because highlighting them maintains the connection, the history from the foundation to the present day. Continuity.
Kendrick has the light now, he's becoming more and more noteworthy as we go, streams, sales, awards aside, he's global phenomon based off his pen. Even if you wanna attribute it to bots or the machine, it's all predicated on the RAP.