China is a HUGE country. They all got totally different accents. A huge difference. Someone for Guangzhou in the south speaks to a person from Beijing in the north its literally like someone from Houston Texas talking to somone from Glasglow, Scotland and if you ever heard that accent, its literally easier for me to understand a boricua speaking spanglish than scottish english.
They have a lot of internal problems. The money hasn't trickled into the poor south and south west and western provinces like those people want. But give them a coomon enemy and they unite.
Our situation is different. Jews got accepted as white for one. Second they have a homeland. Every Jew automatically qualifies for an Israeli passport. All. Also, although Jews faced massive anti semitism in America they were still able to open a business in the white side of town. Impossible for blacks. I read a book on the Tulsa Black Wall Street and a number of Jewish businesses in the white areas had secret black partners because they were barred from opening a store there.
As for the Asians as well as the Jews, they had a culture, history, etc. that they could pass down. We were stripped, we had nothing to rely on. All we were fed was white Jesus. The Asians, Jews, etc. maintaned their language, religion culture. You can not underestimate the impact of literally having no language, culture, etc.
Also, when white folks use asians, what they don't say is American immigration only allows middle class and upper class in. I've been to China, Korea, etc. and they have poor folks and those poor folks are NOT getting immigration visas to live in America. You have to have bank already, a certain amount in the bank, same for students. So, they are already starting out with money, a network and no poor amongst them.
So, its apple and oranges. Not that we can't emulate that and practice group economics but we are not only treated different (a Jew and an Asian can move into an all white neighborhood and no eyebrows raised, we can't). we have more barriers. Not an excuse but it will be harder for us.