Your TSC World Champion
It doesnt matter if its your original content or not u fakkit u posted about mens dikks in 4 consecutive post and added your own analysisClaims I didn't post it? Of course I quoted it from another Message board...you just tried to make it seem like I said it. Why would I EVER say that out of the blue for no utter reason? You reached too far and played yourself. And if it was true, I would of banned the first time I told you guys to prove it was me who said it and you couldn't. Jackass nyggas![]()
How are u not undersranding how gay it is to post even a quote about some pervert describing a male porn stars wtaery cum?
Why are u even lurking and kr posting on a forum that has a detailed description of various male porn stars, their bodies, and their ejaculatiob? Why is thst something u did four times in a row in that powerfful piff thread? Why dont u understand that posting about a male posters watery cum or a guy having an ugly dikk even if u didnt create rhe original words is gay as fukk?
"Oh i didnt create the words i just copied it and reposted it because i wanted you guys tk see it oh and let me add my own to the list"
How do u not understand what u did? How are u defending not only those posts but the guy u idolized kissing steve carell in the mouth for the movie get smart? Yet u called multple people here gay for disagreeing with your stance on a wrestler. Yet u are a virgin and tried to make fun of a mans daughter that u have never seen met or even heard about until this thread?
How can @mrken12 and the other guys that enjoy you autistic ramblings snd megslomania level porn logic on male porn stars dikks cum textures support u as u call people gay? How did you let a porn star u never and will never meet hurt your feelings because she hsd sex with a guy u have been hating and wishing death on for 11 years who also doesnt and never will know u are even existing?
How can...nevermind...u never will get it or even understandwhy we laugh at you...