This Cripple H $hit is funny


Your TSC World Champion
Apr 30, 2012
Claims I didn't post it? Of course I quoted it from another Message just tried to make it seem like I said it. Why would I EVER say that out of the blue for no utter reason? You reached too far and played yourself. And if it was true, I would of banned the first time I told you guys to prove it was me who said it and you couldn't. Jackass nyggas:laugh:
It doesnt matter if its your original content or not u fakkit u posted about mens dikks in 4 consecutive post and added your own analysis

How are u not undersranding how gay it is to post even a quote about some pervert describing a male porn stars wtaery cum?

Why are u even lurking and kr posting on a forum that has a detailed description of various male porn stars, their bodies, and their ejaculatiob? Why is thst something u did four times in a row in that powerfful piff thread? Why dont u understand that posting about a male posters watery cum or a guy having an ugly dikk even if u didnt create rhe original words is gay as fukk?
"Oh i didnt create the words i just copied it and reposted it because i wanted you guys tk see it oh and let me add my own to the list"

How do u not understand what u did? How are u defending not only those posts but the guy u idolized kissing steve carell in the mouth for the movie get smart? Yet u called multple people here gay for disagreeing with your stance on a wrestler. Yet u are a virgin and tried to make fun of a mans daughter that u have never seen met or even heard about until this thread?

How can @mrken12 and the other guys that enjoy you autistic ramblings snd megslomania level porn logic on male porn stars dikks cum textures support u as u call people gay? How did you let a porn star u never and will never meet hurt your feelings because she hsd sex with a guy u have been hating and wishing death on for 11 years who also doesnt and never will know u are even existing?

How can...nevermind...u never will get it or even understandwhy we laugh at you...


All Star
May 14, 2012
I've never acted like the Locker Room nyggas. Every woman is a whore. Since when? You got me confused those nyggas..the ones who hate Black women..the ones glorifying women getting beat up and one pieced on youtube..several threads run rampant on that. So you damn sure should know about that by now, my slow Japan living rodent.

Only interaction with women I have is with porn? Prove it. Warped my mind? How? In what way, you dumb son of a bytch. You only think like that because your family ain't $hit and they raised you to be an armchair psychologist. A weak nygga. A punk ass bytch online crying and bytching to me because you're angry I post porn links for the forum that BEGGED to post them in the first place:laugh:

I'm not alone. Who ever said I was? I don't need to change my life or do anything. I'm in better shape than you, more finances, have made much better investments, and apparently am mentally stronger than you because I'm not crying online like a ready made bytch over a poster's supposed habits at 11pm, dummy:laugh: Big man you are. You don't need porn and you this baller and everything but you whining on a message board to a so called "loser". What's your hoe at, nygga? Where's your bytch? You flossy, right? You living it up in Tokyo, eh? I don't see no proof. Another little skinny jeans rocking, f@ggot who only talks hard online and definitely ain't pulling no dimes of any SORT. Only in his the one living off porn. I'm the reason you have any sanity because b1tches damn sure aren't messaging you at 3am on some real $hit sneaking around on their husbands for any excitement. Remember're a Japan at that. Great role model, goofball:laugh:
If you think i'm going to reply to all that absolute nonsense.Good to see i got you all in your feelings.This will be the last time i post anything towards you until you sort your life out.You are the most pathetic person i have ever encountered.I really thought losers like you were just made up for made for tv movies when dudes end up shooting up a place.Now off you go to talk more about mens cum shots:mjlol::mjlol:

The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012
The backstory on those porn star dikks. He actually copied and pasted it from one of the dozens of porn forums he posts on. I don't think everyone of those descriptions are his(because some of them are legible) but you can tell he was in that thread and was participating. I guess he thought the other degens in porno piff thread would find it funny(because they talk about shyt in there. I saw one thread comparing Lexington Steele to MJ and its multi pages long) The normal wolves found out and roasted his ass. He went from denying it to deleting it. But shyt is still quoted for reference :youngsabo:


Your TSC World Champion
Apr 30, 2012
The backstory on those porn star dikks. He actually copied and pasted it from one of the dozens of porn forums he posts on. I don't think everyone of those descriptions are his(because some of them are legible) but you can tell he was in that thread and was participating. I guess he thought the other degens in porno piff thread would find it funny(because they talk about shyt in there. I saw one thread comparing Lexington Steele to MJ and its multi pages long) The normal wolves found out and roasted his ass. He went from denying it to deleting it. But shyt is still quoted for reference :youngsabo:
This :laff: he keeps saying they arent his words...yet he still ignores rhe fact he found those words good enough to copy and paste and legit add his own commonly used phrases snd smileys
And i remember that gay ass lmthread here he broke down male pornstars like mj clips :laff:

Xane Vic

The An†i-Coli
Jan 30, 2013
What You Will Never Be.
If only we can get him and @Xane Vic to join forces and form the #MegaPowers then the mission will be complete :to:

:mjlol: The fukkery I log in to.

What happened to you bein' on that Baron Corbin shyt?

As far you, @THEREALBRAND and @JACK! go, that party can get started whenever, you know that and Real knows how that shyt gon' go.

As far the other character, that's some "new Impact Players" shyt I ain't 'bout to fukk with.

Besides, I took its crown and these losers gon' keep conspirin' to keep it on me.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
If you think i'm going to reply to all that absolute nonsense.Good to see i got you all in your feelings.This will be the last time i post anything towards you until you sort your life out.You are the most pathetic person i have ever encountered.I really thought losers like you were just made up for made for tv movies when dudes end up shooting up a place.Now off you go to talk more about mens cum shots:mjlol::mjlol:
What was nonsense was you trying to interject yourself into the conversation and now you're so shook, you went FULL SMILIE mode. Hard nyggas everywhere.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
The backstory on those porn star dikks. He actually copied and pasted it from one of the dozens of porn forums he posts on. I don't think everyone of those descriptions are his(because some of them are legible) but you can tell he was in that thread and was participating. I guess he thought the other degens in porno piff thread would find it funny(because they talk about shyt in there. I saw one thread comparing Lexington Steele to MJ and its multi pages long) The normal wolves found out and roasted his ass. He went from denying it to deleting it. But shyt is still quoted for reference :youngsabo:
I wasn't participating...I updated my threads with links. I said wtf is this thread about...had some comedy it..transferred over like I've done a million times. Of course I had no idea that dudes E life revolved around copying and PASTING me and trying to credit me with other people out of the blue.

I never deleted anything I've ever wrote that's a damn lie again. Keep reaching...those Aesop Fables may stick one day.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Dog, I thought the escorts thread was weird. This R=G dude is definitely projecting is ass off to everyone. I actually just feel bad for him. I pity him.
Don't. I can afford to do what you and your kind can't. Go to WM at will.

Another unknown brought to this thread out of the blue....I make the insignificant significant. As it's always been since day one.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
So we got Liggins lying about me being in other threads and being ousted...that could never happen without this board being torn asunder.

We got Mr. 750 Splash..a poster basically admitting he follows me around this board..exposing his daily activities as a guy who copies the guy he said "examines dikks":laugh: What a RIDER in the game:laugh:

We got c00ns and Sp00k nyggas coming out of their gym threads, off brand Arcadium threads chiming in to no avail and with no new popularity to boot. Just another blowhard in the wind.

We got dudes we NEVER knew were firefighters this ENTIRE time once again appearing in a R=G thread instead of posting ANYWHERE else on this board. I make his life go round....the "dikk examiner" as he tried to claim. Gimmick posting doesn't even work for the guy because he plays himself as a homosexual in order to present a falsified point that never existed.

Euro posters who love Rebels proved they follow me as well..thanks for that heads up. Didn't know you were a homo but now I do. Explains your attraction to White that teen white girl life, eh? In England, no less. Yikes.

Bugatti Biceps

Supreme Hacker
Jul 1, 2015
Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn NY
Don't. I can afford to do what you and your kind can't. Go to WM at will.

Ok, see, let me tell you a little story.

You're right. I can't afford to post on a message board constantly about pornstar penis because I have a job, friends, family that love me and would call for an intervention if I was as terrible and delusional as you. So you know what, try me. Prove you're the man you THINK you are. Hack me. Doxx me. I'm a professional hacker so I'd LOVE to have you try to go toe to toe with me. I'd love to see you try to add some sort of relevance to your life by coming after me so I can bring your whole pathetic world down from around you. I'd love to ruin what little bit of miserable existence you have.

I can't wait for you to play this out with me to the logical conclusion of you coming up from the basement in dirty semen-encrusted sweatpants and a shirt covered in Cheetos dust to see me sitting at the breakfast table with your mom as she makes me a second plate of French Toast, grateful for me finally giving her some sexual pleasure to take her mind away, even for a moment, of her monumental failure at raising what is possibly the most insignificant motherfukker of the 21st century.

Your life is a joke. Your existence is a joke. If you were to hang yourself your failure would follow you into the next life to the point you'd get Sweet Chin Music'd back into your own shriveled body because the universe deemed it unfair to everyone else who wished for the sweet release of death to have to share it with a fukked up shytbrain like yourself. I don't hope you get your life together, I hope you realize how little its worth so you can save everyone around you that feels some sort of misplaced obligation to care about you can move the fukk on.

Xane Vic

The An†i-Coli
Jan 30, 2013
What You Will Never Be.

Still 45,000x better than @Xane Vic tho :mjpls:
@Xane Vic This is the real legend, the real heel. You couldn't lace his boots lil bytch :wow:

You are really in your feelings...

I done spent a whole day not on this bullshyt but you done @'d me TWICE IN ONE THREAD.


And for the sake of further entertainment and amusement, WHERE is that muthafukka a legend? HOW is that muthafukka a heel?

...for fukk's sake, WHO THE fukk ARE YOU?...

The Wall Brother

All Star
Jul 17, 2014
Just when you think it's over a new challenger shows up like



Your TSC World Champion
Apr 30, 2012
So we got Liggins lying about me being in other threads and being ousted...that could never happen without this board being torn asunder.

We got Mr. 750 Splash..a poster basically admitting he follows me around this board..exposing his daily activities as a guy who copies the guy he said "examines dikks":laugh: What a RIDER in the game:laugh:

We got c00ns and Sp00k nyggas coming out of their gym threads, off brand Arcadium threads chiming in to no avail and with no new popularity to boot. Just another blowhard in the wind.

We got dudes we NEVER knew were firefighters this ENTIRE time once again appearing in a R=G thread instead of posting ANYWHERE else on this board. I make his life go round....the "dikk examiner" as he tried to claim. Gimmick posting doesn't even work for the guy because he plays himself as a homosexual in order to present a falsified point that never existed.

Euro posters who love Rebels proved they follow me as well..thanks for that heads up. Didn't know you were a homo but now I do. Explains your attraction to White that teen white girl life, eh? In England, no less. Yikes.
U still havent explained why posting a quote about male porn star ejaculation texture isnt gay even if it wasnt your original words


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Ok, see, let me tell you a little story.

You're right. I can't afford to post on a message board constantly about pornstar penis because I have a job, friends, family that love me and would call for an intervention if I was as terrible and delusional as you. So you know what, try me. Prove you're the man you THINK you are. Hack me. Doxx me. I'm a professional hacker so I'd LOVE to have you try to go toe to toe with me. I'd love to see you try to add some sort of relevance to your life by coming after me so I can bring your whole pathetic world down from around you. I'd love to ruin what little bit of miserable existence you have.

I can't wait for you to play this out with me to the logical conclusion of you coming up from the basement in dirty semen-encrusted sweatpants and a shirt covered in Cheetos dust to see me sitting at the breakfast table with your mom as she makes me a second plate of French Toast, grateful for me finally giving her some sexual pleasure to take her mind away, even for a moment, of her monumental failure at raising what is possibly the most insignificant motherfukker of the 21st century.

Your life is a joke. Your existence is a joke. If you were to hang yourself your failure would follow you into the next life to the point you'd get Sweet Chin Music'd back into your own shriveled body because the universe deemed it unfair to everyone else who wished for the sweet release of death to have to share it with a fukked up shytbrain like yourself. I don't hope you get your life together, I hope you realize how little its worth so you can save everyone around you that feels some sort of misplaced obligation to care about you can move the fukk on.

Thanks for the proof of anything you're talking about though.