Honga Ciganesta
Japanese Keyhole Porn Don
Your rant is ignored but I will continue to shyt on you.
I want you to understand this. You have no purpose in life. You have no intelligence. No motivation. No talent. You step and fetch porn and comics for strangers yet you have no recognition. No worth to anyone or anything. Except to perhaps your mother for an easy check.
You like to play at being tough, heartless. While you do lack empathy like the classic autistic it's on the toddler level. You are nothing more than an adult in a pull up. One day you will big wheel yourself up to an adult with no empathy, a true sociopath, and they will pull your autism card, crack your protective helmet with a crowbar, kidnap you, molest you and then slit your throat. No one will care of course except your mother. It'll be back to laying on her back to survive. The way you got here. The accident of a whore and a deadbeat. A true b*stard.
I tell you this, good sir. You won't make it to old age a free man. You will either be dead from your naivety or committed and abused by staff. As someone who does have a kernel of empathy I ask you this; muster the pathetic processing power of your pea sized brain and realize you need to change your life. People aren't laughing with you, they are laughing at you. You are a target of convenience and entertainment and eventually the entertainment will be far darker than shytting on you on a messageboard.
I'm fukking

This thread is a slobber knocker, nice set up for the TSC Rumble this Sunday