This chic is %20 African?!?

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
biracial people are always doing the most when it comes to race - like they go extra hard

you go to protests nowadays and the biracials are the ones in the front or leading it and acting like they are part of the original blank panthers

Yeah Sage Steele goes all out.


Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
I hope the new census is more detailed and forces mutts to have their own classification and quit stating they Black..
I can't rock wit you on that one:hubie: As a huge consumer of African history & Culture I have a vision of the big picture both past, present, with future projections. Views such as that I can't rock wit purely on political grounds. To start chopping ourselves up into tiny social bits is political suicide and counter productive as far as I'm concerned. Most people(I'm not saying you per say) I've come across on some "fukk biracials" talk say so for petty small reasons that exist outside of any real thoroughly examined historical context.

When I look at places like like Brazil were you have this small amount of whites ruling over everyone else because they chop themselves up into tiny political pieces or even places like the Indian caste system, and the colonial period where Europe was playing groups off each other ......There are to many examples of the inherent problems of splitting off into smaller groups to spit in the face of the pan African project by doing something so counter productive as.... be honest I've become more and more disillusioned with the term "black" after coming across the 1976 Brazilian census which takes using the term "black" closer to it's logical(IMO ridiculous) conclusion.

1976 Brazilian census identifications
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Information Files/World History/2nd Semester/Unit 2 Diversity/Brazil/Brazil 1976 Census Data.pdf

.......Because race is a cultural concept, beliefs about race vary dramatically from one culture to another. In this regard, America and Brazil are amazingly different in the categories they use. The United States has a small number of racial categories, based overwhelmingly on ancestry. Thus, it is possible for an American who "looks white" to "really be black" because he or she has "black blood."

In contrast, Brazilians classify people according to what they look like, using a large number of different terms. For example, one study in the Brazilian northeast conducted by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE)--the entity responsible for the census--asked people what color (cor) they were, and received 134 different answers! (Other studies have found even larger numbers; and the results vary regionally, with much fewer categories used in the south of the country.) In many Brazilian families different racial terms are used to refer to different children, while such distinctions are not possible in the United States because all the children--no matter what they look like--have the same ancestry.

Thus, I was fascinated to read that "For the first time, non-white people make up the majority of Brazil's population, according to preliminary results of the 2010 census.".......

Looking in the Cultural Mirror
How understanding race and culture helps us answer the question: "Who am I?"
by Jefferson M. Fish, Ph.D.

1.Acastanhada (cashewlike tint; caramel colored)
3.Alva (pure white)
4.Alva-escura (dark or off-white)
5.Alverenta (or aliviero, "shadow in the water"

6.Alvarinta (tinted or bleached white)
7.Alva-rosada (or jamote, roseate, white with pink highlights)
8.Alvinha (bleached; white-washed)
9.Amarela (yellow)
10.Amarelada (yellowish)
11.Amarela-quemada (burnt yellow or ochre)
12.Amarelosa (yellowed)
13.Amorenada (tannish)
14.Avermelhada (reddish, with blood vessels showing through the skin)
15.Azul (bluish)
16.Azul-marinho (deep bluish)
17.Baiano (ebony)
18.Bem-branca (very white)
19.Bem-clara (translucent)
20.Bem-morena (very dusky)
21.Branca (white)
22.Branca-avermelhada (peach white)
23.Branca-melada (honey toned)
24.Branca-morena (darkish white)
25.Branca-pálida (pallid)
26.Branca-queimada (sunburned white)
27.Branca-sardenta (white with brown spots)
28.Branca-suja (dirty white)
29.Branquiça (a white variation)
30.Branquinha (whitish)
31.Bronze (bronze)
32.Bronzeada (bronzed tan)
33.Bugrezinha-escura (Indian characteristics)
34.Burro-quanto-foge ("burro running away," implying racial mixture of unknown origin)
35.Cabocla (mixture of white, Negro and Indian)
36.Cabo-Verde (black; Cape Verdean)
37.Café (coffee)
38.Café-com-leite (coffee with milk)
39.Canela (cinnamon)
40.Canelada (tawny)
41.Castão (thistle colored)
42.Castanha (cashew)
43.Castanha-clara (clear, cashewlike)
44.Castanha-escura (dark, cashewlike)
45.Chocolate (chocolate brown)
46.Clara (light)
47.Clarinha (very light)
48.Cobre (copper hued)
49.Corado (ruddy)
50.Cor-de-café (tint of coffee)
51.Cor-de-canela (tint of cinnamon)
52.Cor-de-cuia (tea colored)
53.Cor-de-leite (milky)
54.Cor-de-oro (golden)
55.Cor-de-rosa (pink)
56.Cor-firma ("no doubt about it"

57.Crioula (little servant or slave; African)
58.Encerada (waxy)
59.Enxofrada (pallid yellow; jaundiced)
60.Esbranquecimento (mostly white)
61.Escura (dark)
62.Escurinha (semidark)
63.Fogoio (florid; flushed)
64.Galega (see agalegada above)
65.Galegada (see agalegada above)
66.Jambo (like a fruit the deep-red color of a blood orange)
67.Laranja (orange)
68.Lilás (lily)
69.Loira (blond hair and white skin)
70.Loira-clara (pale blond)
71.Loura (blond)
72.Lourinha (flaxen)
73.Malaia (from Malabar)
74.Marinheira (dark greyish)
75.Marrom (brown)
76.Meio-amerela (mid-yellow)
77.Meio-branca (mid-white)
78.Meio-morena (mid-tan)
79.Meio-preta (mid-Negro)
80.Melada (honey colored)
81.Mestiça (mixture of white and Indian)
82.Miscigenação (mixed --- literally "miscegenated"

83.Mista (mixed)
84.Morena (tan)
85.Morena-bem-chegada (very tan)
86.Morena-bronzeada (bronzed tan)
87.Morena-canelada (cinnamonlike brunette)
88.Morena-castanha (cashewlike tan)
89.Morena clara (light tan)
90.Morena-cor-de-canela (cinnamon-hued brunette)
91.Morena-jambo (dark red)
92.Morenada (mocha)
93.Morena-escura (dark tan)
94.Morena-fechada (very dark, almost mulatta)
95.Morenão (very dusky tan)
96.Morena-parda (brown-hued tan)
97.Morena-roxa (purplish-tan)
98.Morena-ruiva (reddish-tan)
99.Morena-trigueira (wheat colored)
100.Moreninha (toffeelike)
101.Mulatta (mixture of white and Negro)
102.Mulatinha (lighter-skinned white-Negro)
103.Negra (negro)
104.Negrota (Negro with a corpulent vody)
105.Pálida (pale)
106.Paraíba (like the color of marupa wood)
107.Parda (dark brown)
108.Parda-clara (lighter-skinned person of mixed race)
109.Polaca (Polish features; prostitute)
110.Pouco-clara (not very clear)
111.Pouco-morena (dusky)
112.Preta (black)
113.Pretinha (black of a lighter hue)
114.Puxa-para-branca (more like a white than a mulatta)
115.Quase-negra (almost Negro)
116.Queimada (burnt)
117.Queimada-de-praia (suntanned)
118.Queimada-de-sol (sunburned)
119.Regular (regular; nondescript)
120.Retinta ("layered" dark skin)
121.Rosa (roseate)
122.Rosada (high pink)
123.Rosa-queimada (burnished rose)
124.Roxa (purplish)
125.Ruiva (strawberry blond)
126.Russo (Russian; see also polaca)
127.Sapecada (burnished red)
128.Sarará (mulatta with reddish kinky hair, aquiline nose)
129.Saraúba (or saraiva: like a white meringue)
130.Tostada (toasted)
131.Trigueira (wheat colored)
132.Turva (opaque)
133.Verde (greenish)
134.Vermelha (reddish)

That sh*t right there is ri-donk-ulous

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Mar 24, 2014
These non Black groups like to hide behind Black usage of that disgusting word as reason for their usage of it..that basically it's the Black man's fault and they can't help themselves.

If Black folks suddenly stopped using it how awkward would it be for them.


Mar 24, 2014
I can't rock wit you on that one:hubie: As a huge consumer of African history & Culture I have a vision of the big picture both past, present, and future projections. Views such as that I can't rock wit purely on political grounds. To start chopping ourselves up into tiny social bits is political suicide and counter productive as far as I'm concerned. Most people(I'm not saying you per say) I've come across on some "fukk biracial" talk say so for petty small reasons that exist outside of any real thoroly examined historical context.

When I look at places like like brazil were you have this small amount of whites ruling over everyone else because they chop themselves up into tiny political peices or even places like the indian caste syatem and the colonial period where europe was playing groups off each other ......There is to many exampls to spit in the face of the pan African project to do somthing as counter productive as....

What do we have to lose now if we chop ourselves up..identity is important to a person's self esteem. seeing white people claiming they Black isn't doing wonders for the image and self esteem of young Black kids who won't live in a world where they are treated equally with mutts.

A person with 90% SSA dna is not like a person with 10% SSA dna.

And if we are to build commerce and cultural ties with Black's outside of the US we can't come with sage steel types as they will likely reject our efforts to reunify.

Brazil has too many classifications but what it has taught us is that once mixed people get enough numbers on their side they also treat Black's like shyt. they are likely Latinos to an extent. can't trust them.


May 15, 2014
I can't rock wit you on that one:hubie: As a huge consumer of African history & Culture I have a vision of the big picture both past, present, with future projections. Views such as that I can't rock wit purely on political grounds. To start chopping ourselves up into tiny social bits is political suicide and counter productive as far as I'm concerned. Most people(I'm not saying you per say) I've come across on some "fukk biracials" talk say so for petty small reasons that exist outside of any real thoroughly examined historical context.

When I look at places like like Brazil were you have this small amount of whites ruling over everyone else because they chop themselves up into tiny political pieces or even places like the Indian caste system, and the colonial period where Europe was playing groups off each other ......There are to many examples of the inherent problems of splitting off into smaller groups to spit in the face of the pan African project by doing something so counter productive as....

:salute:well said. Also whites have kept their power by relabeling what is white and absorbed those they considered non anglos as white (Jews, Irish, italians, polish and etc.....these folks were considered muts in anglos eyes in the 1800s. Now they are considered white).

Whites circle the wagons and consolidate power. Then folks wonder why they been ruling the world for 500 years.