This is actually one of the main reasons why I try to chill with saying it so much. It really hit me when I was watching a blues documentary where Corey Harris went to mali tracing the origins of the blues in Africa and a random Mali guy was like "bla bla my nikka"
...and shyt like this also

Homie to be honest with you I have never used the word and don't consider it cool to use it even though I am black.
Anyway the shyt is embarrasing and I have had to check a few white folks and others overseas. Non blacks like to play dumb but they know that word is offensive even overseas.
I have been in malls and airports in places india and a american song will come on. Where they bleep out all the curse words but the N-word.
I just shake my got damn head at the shyt because this ignorance has been left uncheck.
These folks know what they are doing jokers have no respect for black folks.
I will take it a step further. I remember when I first started going to shanghai for business. I come to town with a director and VP. We get picked up in a car and taken to a 5 star hotel in downtown shanghai.
We get out the car......hotel door kat picks up our bags and another door kat greets us at the door. The door dude is a chinese dude in his late 20s. He shakes the VPs hand the directors hand and says to them good morning sir welcome.
When it is time for him to greet me he says what up brotha and tries to give me a pound.
I stop him in mid sentence, look at him...

and say excuse me? And pull my hand away. I tell him you greet me with a hand shake and a hello. That is how I conduct business.
That asian boy had the look
Then starts saying I am sorry sir my apologies.......welcome sir and gives me a hand shake.
For the next two weeks that dude was extra nice every morning I walked out for work or came back in the evening.
Talking about "Good morning have nice day Mr. Original man or good afternoon Mr. Originalman how was ypur day today sir"

I don't play that shyt with these folks. Whether here or overseas.