Things black people need to admit..

Lakers Offseason

May 21, 2012
Black people need to admit that no one really gives a fukk.

White folks, spanish folks, asians, and even fellow black folks. No one really gives a fukk about you or for anyone.

You'll have some politicians or preacher, or some other cat talking like he gives a fukk, but they're only looking for personal gain from getting your support.

No one really gives a shyt about you breh. Black, white, asians, hispanic, they all feel the same way. You're on your own.

You gotta take care of yourselves.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
What does any of that have to do with blacks killing blacks and blacks acting like we're all on some "kumbaya" togetherness stuff?
Majority of black are working middle class citizens. We have more blacks entering post-secondary education than prison, enrollments rates are at an all-time high.

Some of you won't be happy and satisfied until we are Native American status and your faux complaints really become real.


crazed cycle that continues
Folks complain about not seeing black unity in economics/social/political landscapes, then the moment some blacks strive to implement black community improvement based efforts, they are labeled unrealistic/reverse racist

"bu bu he's not the President of the Black People, he's the POTUS"

"Why you telling the next man how to spend their money?"

"Yu you know you can't trust black folks, they will treat you worst than white folks"

Exactly. Black people are very divisive creatures themselves when we DO get something good. Too focused on being substandard/negative. Mentalities are not the best, so a lot of things will be harder to change.

A few institutions of Black unity black people will go out of their way to shyt on/avoid:
- NPHC Fraternities and Sororities
- NAACP, Urban League, etc.
- The Black Church (I'm not religious, and I don't agree with everything, but I see the positive potentials here)
- Small Black businesses

Black people will try to tear down all of these institutions (especially on here), but then claim they want to establish a base of unity, not realizing that the concept of unity doesn't just pop up out of anywhere. It takes these institutions to develop a breeding ground/thought of unity amongst the different sects of people.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Who ignore those ethic groups?. I never said all and you mention ethic groups or countries those people may have commited astroocities throughout history but what do they have that we dont. Unity family structure their own beliefs no self hate and they happy with who they are pride.
One thing I dont get when it come to us as a people we get so defensive when you state facts. We have to be told the truth and when u try to help you a c00n or sellout. You not making any sense to me. I am talking about blacks in america RELATIONS. We will continue to support the china man hair products his food white man business but none of our own. We never discuss how can we fix this because as a majority in my opinion Blacks dont care.

Black people aren't even the worse ethnic group in America, so what are you talking about?

Stop comparing our community to fukking Asians/Indians and whites. It's not gonna be the same. It never will. You're trying to compare a group of people who have been socially/economically/mentally/etc. disenfranchised for the past +600 years to groups of people who are happy to be the "model minority" that just entered this country 70-100 years ago.

Look at the Black community and see the progress that's been made over the years. It's great. We can never discuss how to fix the community because down in the dumbs negros like you don't have anything positive to say, only negative. You dictate mentality with your language.

Start your own business and talk shyt about it. Call it the worse company in America. See how many people want to work for you/buy your product.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
We Mexicans need to admit birth control exists and should be used. SM fukking H.

I know this is a black thread, but I'd rather not tread a path I don't know as well as my own.


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
Things black people need to admit...

Fried chicken is unhealthy.



Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
Black people aren't even the worse ethnic group in America, so what are you talking about?

Stop comparing our community to fukking Asians/Indians and whites. It's not gonna be the same. It never will. You're trying to compare a group of people who have been socially/economically/mentally/etc. disenfranchised for the past +600 years to groups of people who are happy to be the "model minority" that just entered this country 70-100 years ago.

Look at the Black community and see the progress that's been made over the years. It's great. We can never discuss how to fix the community because down in the dumbs negros like you don't have anything positive to say, only negative. You dictate mentality with your language.

Start your own business and talk shyt about it. Call it the worse company in America. See how many people want to work for you/buy your product.

Smh black on black relations we have not made strides.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
Time to redefine what black is, what black needs to be, and what blacks need to do to get there...

the hood subset of reliving slavery induced dogma is not what the true definitions of what black is. yall mind scope of what black is so limited. blacks built the pyramids, blacks flying around piloting spaceships, rich person in the entire world, was black/etc...all in all these just human beings...

* blacks are not subjugated to cacs
* black population are a billion plus worldwide, there are black leaders, black mansions, black government, black made products, black run cities, black billionaires, black millionaires, blacks schools, black products, blacks consumers, none of the "hood"-not so good attachment to any of those black successes.
* Cunningly and slyly enough, some willingly, some via force, convinced a generation of 43 million plus to go the United States/America for free....yeah for free...just open hearten group of people...whose openess cost them their freedome... and lack of opportunities some hood hearts have turn to snow ice cold demonicness
* blacks gotta do for self, "acceptance" is not where its at, being able to navigate between groups is ok
* blacks have to define who they are and what they need to be as a group of folks
* gallivanting and pandering towards cacs is not a good look
* black folks who aint wit it, could move or be exiled, Australia, a now mostly peaceful, lax crim laws, was started by outcasts, vagabonds and hooligans.
* somethings the black community could do is focus on education, focus on building better schools/using online technology, athelethes/etc giving back. finding solutions to massive challenges/opportunities, building better jobs, solving problems communally, working together, taking over areas being dominated by other groups and offering better services and solutions...
* Unless you dumbies, yall pooring permenant jelly on yourself thinking you cant be successful - almost all
commercials on TV jigs at black folk, why watch TV? How about a device or video playlist which shows folks of color in a positive paranomic view...WSHH is cool, but segmented...
* All in all do for self. do the best for self. thats really what it comes down to, its competition and self-survival.

Some rules
* No black person should ever want to be cac
* No black person should ever completely trust a cac 100%
* Black person should know their basic, basic of what ever they involved in, get into the details be it at work/school/sportsetc, know the story behind the story, its not a white boys job
* No black person should encourage black females to dominate black males
* No black person should be a sitting duck, thinking the law wont favor them, or cacs are all bad, be prudent,
some good

Now granted, some of yall are c00ns and the same rules would unfortunately apply to you...there needs to be more maturity with yall...but being in a cage 300 years, wont mature now, but future, yes. Human nature is human nature, but realizes the world is infinite and your hood and its self is very small in the grand scheme of things.

Dumb & Stupid
Some cac are ok, but for the most part how can your dumb ass who has been mistreated, marginalized, stereotyped, prejudiced, discriminated against - want a cac approval? are you do dumb and stupid?

- fascinated with a cac bytch beyond sex, and if she bringing major thangs (work, school, etc) to the table - are you so dumb and stupid?
- No being a part of $500 million hair business industry or any potentially successful business - are you so dumb and stupid?
- Applauding white boys, as white man gon do it all, when you get called boy, thug, punk, "race", male, ghetto - are you so dumb and stupid?
- Not factoring 300 years of hindrance, before you wanna compare apples to oranges - are you so dumb and stupid? well white boy got...its not what they got, its what you can have or make...
- Not protecting and promoting yall culture across the way positively -are you so dumb and stupid?


you're NOT "n!ggas"

FKA ciroq drobama
May 1, 2012
Astronomy (8th light)
we FIND reasons to split apart in a way white people never could... and i aint just talkin gangs/violence, income and culture too. this "what is and isn't black" type shyt aint nothin but a waste of time


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
Wearing doorags and wife-beaters in public is not acceptable.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
we FIND reasons to split apart in a way white people never could... and i aint just talkin gangs/violence, income and culture too. this "what is and isn't black" type shyt aint nothin but a waste of time

you dont understand how cac works
you just watch them from periphery
this how cac works, which most of which was gotten from african culture (which is sterner):

you cac you cool until you f up, then can dont wanna do biz with you
you cac you dont go to school you wanna do street d rugs and stay in a cheap trailer you white trash
you cac you wanna be black you a wigger
you cac you make over 300K you in top 1%
you cac and fat, you not getting the lead role in a movie
you cac and busting you go to jail, for no reason, you getting life...even so cac will sympathesize with them...
you cac stay in a certain area, its impoverished, its trailler, its middle income, its gated, its luxury, its horse property.

labels on every, anything

for kinfolk, there has been so much turmoil and issues because of cac, that they should not be disowned, but if what going on in chicago going on a new community they going to be productive or locked in kinfolk jail, get some help get some counseling, or they heart is snow ice demonic...and that the electric chair
the entire group is segmented into factions, and everyone falls into line/order
then if the hood think going to jhell is some value, thats another segment, but because what cacs did, that the pride right? all that has to be reset.

Where has anyone besides a political asylum seeker or mrry attained freedom from being locked up...

Most of yall history from Africa, ok some mixing on the way, most of it still African, thats now what is applauded, being involved with cacs turned yall souls cold...changed your perspective, they mistreated yall so bad, yall did not want anything "good" or "cac" to be associated with yall...dont wanna let good people in school -ok the street its were its at. yall dont want good folks get a good job - ok imma get it however....

why do black folk sound different, if they been in the states side by side with cacs, because they did not like cacs, they did not like how english was, they made it their are you / whats good, ok / cool, I will be there / imma be there, they know they need to play a game to gain monies, so some play the game, but dont let it hurt the future. Cac get familiar with each other real quick. Then they wanna mislabel. A real man wouldnt mislabel you.

for a community to grow, some of that thinking has to change or be segmented...ok think like that, but a new group is going to build businesses and be successful and would look out, but that done mean they cac or acting cac...

anyone can fit into the cac structure...and in african original culutures, the same structure was there...but to say black is just one canvas and going to jail, fighting in clubs, being ok with medial jobs, climbing ladders hitting glass ceiling, system titled to females, is not cool.

everyone benefits one tied into a structure, but dont be confused...

what kinfolk gotta do is build a community structure which works...


Giving game to lames since the 90s
Apr 30, 2012
In Dallas, From Cleveland
Wearing doorags and wife-beaters in public is not acceptable.


Acceptable by who?

I wear a shirt and tie 5 days a week, if I wanna go to Quiktrip in my wifebeater, wavecap, and house shoes.. Who gon stop me, ha?

I'm probably wrong for this, but I feel like since I work hard, dress professional, pay my taxes and do all the right things during the week..

I can :smoker: and get a little rachet on the weekends :lolbron:


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012

Acceptable by who?

I wear a shirt and tie 5 days a week, if I wanna go to Quiktrip in my wifebeater, wavecap, and house shoes.. Who gon stop me, ha?

I'm probably wrong for this, but I feel like since I work hard, dress professional, pay my taxes and do all the right things during the week..

I can :smoker: and get a little rachet on the weekends :lolbron:

Why are you wrong for that? Only the socially awkward introverted nerds on here have a problem with people having fun and being social

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
that we should start practicing some form of eugenics. we're dumbing down the race by breeding with simpletons and semi-retards.

we need to look at the iq of the person and how they're a potential good parent.