Gotcha. But wasn't there an assassination spree in the Amara region maybe a coup? The issue now is in the Tigray region? Are these things connected?
What's going on in Eritrea these day?
Why are refugees fleeing to Sudan instead of Eritrea?
Yeah, that incident in Amhara had to do with senior military officials being killed during the attempted coup in Bahir Dar which is a mid major city in Amhara. Tigray and Amhara have a land dispute in which its alleged that the TPLF annexed part of Amhara when they re-drew the maps so that’s been a flashpoint ever since.
Eritrea is quietly sitting and observing but TPLF sympathizers are claiming that they’ve crossed the border and are collaborating with Abiy to destroy the TPLF permanently. Whether it’s true or not is hard to say since there’s no or hardly any info getting out from the front. Out of all the neighboring countries however, Eritrea is the one most likely to jump into the fray if provoked. Things for the TPLF crossed a point of no return when Abiy made peace with Asmara and sidelined the TPLF in those talks including the end of the border disputes which saw some Tigray territory awarded to Eritrea, namely the small but flashpoint town of Badme right on the border.
Eritrea and the TPLF have a long standing feud going back to the border war at the turn of the century which is a major reason why Ethiopia and Eritrea were in a Cold War for years. So naturally, Tigrayans feel more comfortable in Sudan given there isn’t a history of rivalry. The irony of course being that Tigrayans control much of Eritrea as well. But Eritrean Tigrayans and Ethiopian Tigrayans view each other with much suspicion.