I didn't like this episode.
The idea of the hospital community basing their societal rules on basically a "pay as you go" type of community is an interesting one but I just was bored more often than not.
I was fine with Beth and Everybody Hates Chris is a likable actor and the self-serving doctor was cool.
However the execution was piss poor and my problems with it came down to:
The actress playing Dawn was awful. She has no charisma or authority to her so it became really hard to see her as ever having been in control of things at the hospital.
Nothing of what was shown leads me to believe these people would survive for a week let alone for over a year while doing regular forays out into the zombie filled world for supplies and new white bytches.
The not showing the darker side of the community, namely the whole using women as bed wenches for Dawn's security crew. If we had actually been shown the horrible conditions instead of them alluding the episode might have worked better. Being so vague about it was a mistake.
Not introducing Carol and Daryl earlier in the episode. We really didn't need a full hour of The Beth Show. Half should have been showing what was up at the hospital and then bring in more of the cast we like.
we never got to see the bedwenching, in real time.
all because gorman had hid jean[i think that was her name]
in, dawn's office to rape her.
before, or as she was in agony and about to turn.
before she turned and encountered beth in search of the keys.
the chick playing dawn was convincing as hell.
plus, she gave off the aire of being a survivor and the rules to survival in the apocalypse as her group learned them as well.
i don't see the gripe and she is a good villian based foil for beth and carol.
art barr