They tryna teach young black girls that white men are your savior…movie trailer

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
I gotta disagree. I currently own in a black neighborhood pre gentrification. Which was passed down via my great unk who was one of the first Black Principal's in the city. Living in a black neighborhood ain't all it's cracked up to be when u have renters who disrespect the neighborhood.

I've seen in two of the biggest Black American cities in the country. My parents still own their home where I was born. They had bread from their parents and they grinded like we were on welfare. Yet they managed to have dinner with us nightly. We lived in a well off cac area it's was closer to work via train for both.
They had us all in Jack and Jill. Did I listen to rap? Yeah somewhat but I knew rap is just that music. I wouldn't dare sell drugs or any of that. My siblings all attended Hbcus for undergrad I am currently and so will my little brother.

Living in a white area taught me how to navigate and move ski trips, passport trips, having water polo as an option at school. I'm comfortable in fancier areas. Hell a few yrs ago I was in a fancy hotel with my current now ex. We took the elevator and fancy soccer mom got on with her daughter in tow. She smelled my cologne her husband wore the same thing. I looked like a thug baggy evisus, cardigan gold and wood frames. I recommend some tea for her and her daughter at the restaurant where they were headed.

I knew I was black having grandparents in the rural south gave me an education no hotep YouTuber ever could. My grand parents and great grands literally got it out the damn mud. They are the definition of hustlas. Neither my nana or pop pop had a car. Yet they stayed together until pop pop died raised 10 kids. Pop pop worked at the saw mill. They left their kids with life lessons and a bit of paper.

It's all about who you surround your kids with. None of my Pops friends brought nonsense to the house the same thing with Ma Dukes. They are friends with fellow black upper middle class professionals. Did they forget where they came from naw.

Black elitist typically dont forget where they come from. They just believe they should be in charge of the poorer less educated blacks. And those of our race who are making it harder for us to assimilate,and for the European to like us. They often will come foward to ease tensions when they sense angry black people,and possible dissention away from the Europeans. They view it as taking us off track to being assimilated. We are on a tight schedule and must keep pace. You can never say these people are ill intentioned,or even incorrect. I tend to agree full on assimilation would do the black collective well in this country. At least from the European perspective(financially,education,promotion of status). But I reject this because Ive overpowered the European aspect of my "double-conscience". Which Dubois was unfortunately never able to do.


Keep my name out of it
Apr 28, 2014
As far as I know and am concerned, the coli is teaching our boys and brehs adrift that they shouldn't married. It's a wash.