More people being born and raised in impoverished conditions that'll only worsen overtime if there isn't outside change to those conditions will grow up and respond to the conditions through crime and drugs. We saw/see this in the past and present. Ignoring those facts is what is demented.
I am not the one having kids out of wedlock but I understand people and don't expect some radical change to the current behaviors.
I care about kids. Black kids born in poverty dealing with trauma is not something I want to increase in our community which it undoubtedly will, and given the state of this country, the worsening of the infrastructure, etc..., a child will have a worse reality in the future if the parents aren't present and are poor. Take time to volunteer at shelters, boys and girls clubs/community centers, and intern at social services. Maybe then you will have a change of mind when you see the conditions and traumas these kids deal with on a day-to-day basis with no mental therapy and no-one really looking out for them except a case worker that is overloaded with many other cases.
I will adopt a Black kid once I establish my family. The conditions some of us live in are horrors out here. I get why there is a high skid-row population filled with people high as a kite. And I get why some of us turn to crime or become despondent. The environment is completely messed up and fools like him talk about
"cultural issues"
when those "cultural issues" aren't cloistered in a vacuum independent of the U.S.A.. Those are the same "cultural issues" present in the Caribbean, in Africa, and where-ever Black people exist on this planet. It is targeted oppression, not some cultural issue that is caused by an inherent failure of Black people. The issues Black people face are symptoms of Western powers incessant need to target us for failure.
If parents don't have everything together before they have a kid, the joke is on the child.