“Notice, she is not at any games, she is not at work, and she is not at home. Someone needs to ask the question, where is Tina? She is severely disabled and paralyzed on right side. Cannot talk and is questionable about her comprehension. Left side of her brain impacted with massive stroke, while at home on Feb. 21 (school holiday – President’s day). Tina is a PE teacher in [City of school],CA [Name of school].
Feb. 20: Tina Ball admitted at [Name of first hospital] ICU
Feb. 21: Surgery to remove a portion of her skull to reduce swelling from the stroke (evening)
Feb 21: Chino Hills vs LB Poly @ Cerritos College – evening game (same time as surgery) Lavar & Lonzo at the game with the other Ball boys – missed the surgery and post op. Did not come to hospital during or after surgery.
The Ball boys are not allowed to see their mother, Lavar is afraid it will take away from their game(s). Lonzo had big game at ASU and U of A later that week. Also, media buzz would take away from all the interviews and media touring for Lavar + BBB brand would suffer. It literally is bigger than Tina’s life, as evidenced by Lavar’s approach.
As a family member, I am embarrassed and feel so sorry for Tina, since Lavar is on a media tour, he visits her rarely, while her mother has stayed by her side continuously.”