Truth be told, this shows just how hypocritical a lot of these christian pastors are. Martin Luther King Jr was man who cheated on his wife, smoked cigarettes and I read even gambled yet he was a "spiritual" leader..smh. I even heard rumors that one of his mistresses was a white woman which may be why he faught so hard for integration which if you ask me was a terrible thing to do.
I understand that he was a human being therefore he will make mistakes and he will have vices of some sort whether it be drinking, women or what ever but cmon. Where do we draw the line?
The article says this
"When one woman showed reluctance, King was allegedly heard saying that performing the act 'would help your soul'"
We will have to wait till those tapes come out in 2017 to hear it for ourselves but I don't think all these rumors and stories are lies, some of them have to be true at least.