These Trump voters talking about January 6th live in an alternate universe


eienaar van mans
May 1, 2012
They have been radicalized by 30+ years of right wing propaganda. Ailes and Murdoch wanted to ensure that something like Nixon resigning never happened again, and they were successful beyond their wildest dreams. The AM stations in this country nationwide are practically all right wing propaganda on their talk shows. This is the result. Combine this with their fear that white people are being marginalized as their numbers decrease, and it will get worse.

Trump also being the psychopathic narcissistic liar he is has exacerbated this as well. The whole party exists on nothing but lies, obfuscation and aggrievement.
They haven't been radicalized by the right wing. They are the right wing. You can't radicalize someone who already believes what you believes.

There is this thought process that if you somehow get rid of the "right wing" then crackas like this will somehow change. They not. These people ARE THE RIGHT WING.


Jul 17, 2018
Of course I hate all conservatives personally lol. But I can admit he's one of the more reasonable ones even if he bodied that intern that one time lol.

Not even about hating anybody, it's just a natural progression. You can't see Scarborough's time in office in Florida of all places, knowing how the game is played down there, and not see the groundwork that was laid for someone like DeSantis. Or the obstructionist stall-for-time tactics that McConnell used so effectively. Scarborough & Co used the crazies as their bludgeon on both houses of Congress for years, do what we want or we'll mobilize the Bible thumpers, they never hesitated to make use of the fearmongering that poor white people fall for every single time, and on and on.

It just never occured to his ilk that they'd not always be the ones with control of their nuclear option. Now their nukes have fingers on their own triggers.

Elim Garak

Mar 8, 2015
Not even about hating anybody, it's just a natural progression. You can't see Scarborough's time in office in Florida of all places, knowing how the game is played down there, and not see the groundwork that was laid for someone like DeSantis. Or the obstructionist stall-for-time tactics that McConnell used so effectively. Scarborough & Co used the crazies as their bludgeon on both houses of Congress for years, do what we want or we'll mobilize the Bible thumpers, they never hesitated to make use of the fearmongering that poor white people fall for every single time, and on and on.

It just never occured to his ilk that they'd not always be the ones with control of their nuclear option. Now their nukes have fingers on their own triggers.
It's about hating them for me they destroying generations of progress.

Bar Razor

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
They haven't been radicalized by the right wing. They are the right wing. You can't radicalize someone who already believes what you believes.

There is this thought process that if you somehow get rid of the "right wing" then crackas like this will somehow change. They not. These people ARE THE RIGHT WING.
You need to study up on propaganda techniques and the rise of right wing media in this country. Certainly they were Republican obviously but there is a difference between accepting election results and being ok with a violent overthrow of the government based on the lies of a megalomaniac. And I say that as someone who despised the Republican Party long before Trump.
Apr 3, 2014
Not even about hating anybody, it's just a natural progression. You can't see Scarborough's time in office in Florida of all places, knowing how the game is played down there, and not see the groundwork that was laid for someone like DeSantis. Or the obstructionist stall-for-time tactics that McConnell used so effectively. Scarborough & Co used the crazies as their bludgeon on both houses of Congress for years, do what we want or we'll mobilize the Bible thumpers, they never hesitated to make use of the fearmongering that poor white people fall for every single time, and on and on.

It just never occured to his ilk that they'd not always be the ones with control of their nuclear option. Now their nukes have fingers on their own triggers.

The crazies went into business for themselves :wow:


Nov 1, 2015

Arizona Republican becomes first fake elector to plead guilty for role in Trump scheme​

It’s the second victory for Arizona prosecutors this week in their sweeping case against many Trump allies.

Kris Mayes waves to the crowd.

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes charged 11 fake electors, as well as several top Trump allies, in a broad indictment in April. | Ross D. Franklin/AP

By Kyle Cheney

08/06/2024 08:29 PM EDT

Updated:08/06/2024 09:00 PM EDT

An Arizona Republican who falsely claimed to be a legitimate presidential elector for former President Donald Trump — part of a sweeping effort by Trump and his allies to subvert the 2020 election — has pleaded guilty for her role in the scheme.

Lorraine Pellegrino, one of 11 Arizona Republicans who falsely posed as Trump’s electors that year, accepted a guilty plea to a single charge for filing a “false instrument” — the fraudulent Electoral College certificate. The state charge was one of several she faced for allegedly joining in a conspiracy to corrupt Arizona’s election results.

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes charged the 11 fake electors, as well as several top Trump allies, in a broad indictment in April. Trump himself was not charged in the Arizona case, but he was identified by a state grand jury as an unindicted coconspirator. Trump was also charged federally and in Georgia with felonies arising from his fake elector scheme and other efforts to overturn President Joe Biden’s victory.

Pellegrino’s plea deal is the second victory in the Arizona case in as many days for Mayes, a Democrat. Another one of the 18 defendants, former Trump campaign attorney Jenna Ellis, began cooperating with prosecutors this week in exchange for a deal to dismiss the charges she faced. Ellis similarly cooperated with prosecutors last year in the Georgia case.

Pellegrino is the first participant in the elector scheme to accept criminal responsibility for signing the false documents, though dozens have been charged in a handful of states. Filings on the Arizona docket indicate that the other charges she faced, including conspiracy and forgery, were dismissed in light of the deal. Other filings revealed the terms of her deal, which includes three years of probation and no jail time.

“Loraine Pellegrino’s decision to accept a plea to a lesser charge reflects her desire to move forward and put this matter behind her,” said Pellegrino’s attorney Joshua Kolsrud. “She has taken full responsibility for her actions, demonstrating her commitment to upholding the law and contributing positively to the community. The sentence of unsupervised probation with community service acknowledges her remorse and willingness to make amends.”

After his defeat at the polls in 2020, Trump’s lawyers hatched a plan to convene their own sets of presidential electors in some states where Biden was the certified victor. Initially, the attorneys said the so-called contingent electors were meant as placeholders in case Trump prevailed in any of his lawsuits to overturn the election results.

Trump allies, like Ellis and Rudy Giuliani, also began leaning on Republican state legislatures to certify the Trump electors in order to stoke further proceedings and legal battles. As those efforts faltered, Trump eventually eyed an even more desperate plan: Use the existence of the false slates of electors to foment a controversy on Jan. 6, 2021, the day Congress and then-Vice President Mike Pence were charged with certifying the election results.

Pence refused to accede to the plan, drawing Trump’s fury and ultimately the wrath of a pro-Trump mob that stormed the Capitol and derailed the electoral vote count for hours that day, threatening the transfer of power.
