@surgical gloves
Cortes was influnced by novels written about queen Khalifa all black woman and they considered California to be an island at the time / these were mythical stories or oral tradition written down / the adventures of esplandia. Cortes referenced California several times along with his contemporaries for eg. Giovanni Batista ramusio
Whether you believe she actually existed is up to you?
But in the state of California there are arist depiction of her.
400 years prior to the afore mentioned documented cases of our moorish queen
You have " The song Roland" which references the defeat suffered at the hands of the Muslims in the battle of roncevaux
The poem states " and in affrike & those in califerne" aligning California immediate after African refrence
The Spanish the majority of the world for that matter was under moorish/ muslim rule.
The word khalif/ caliph as well means leader or ruler.
On the Asian article I submitted.
That wasn't in any way to belittle those people. But I can see how it could be taken that way.
It was to support my previous comment about how Europeans like to pit one race against another.
Meaning if illegal immigrants was trully the issue than our government our people would be concerned and vehement against all illegals, all who are taking jobs and sapping resources that could be utilized by honest citizens.
But that's not the case
Hispanics are being vilified
And I'll say this
No one shares the struggle entirely of blacks in this world and especially in this country
No one!
But the closest group of people I've found that understand or can relate or I feel comfortable around that are not "black" per say are Hispanics
So I do take care of "my" people first
But I do ride for the cause or understand the injustice sometimes meted out to Hispanics.