How do y'all be having the time to watch all of these tv shows and movies?
Also, it's one thing to watch them, but not every tv show is so simple and forthcoming, so to be able to sit and watch some shyt, be entertained by it and then to be able to understand the different details of a storyline(s) if it's a very well written show or tv, remembering characters names and plots etc etc
if you watching more than 2 shows at a time and binge watching, how are you able to keep up with all of the information being placed before you?
I can understand binge watching a series like in a few days or week's time depending on however long it is because when it's a great show or series, the time flies by.
but a show can't really have my full attention if I'm watching multiple shows at one time; Same with films
With a film I like to be able to have something really good to eat and then without any interruptions, sit and watch the film from start to finish. And at most, I can only watch 2 films back to back. Anything more is just too much. Especially if the movie(s) is/are really long.