Well we got prejudice racism over here too.
For an exemple of general racism, when I was a young nikka (maybe up to today), every time I entered in a supermarket, I got some security guards following me. This kinda of basic stuff.
Or being in a upper class place (aka white), or some especific places (like all white towns here in the south of Brazil) and everyone looking on some

. Nobody say nothing but u can feel.
Anyway, Some user said that Brazil embrace African cultures... It's not even close to it. Brazilian black music and some (black) religions embrace a lot of African cultures. But white people and white wannabes (mixed c00ns) love to say how white they are and wich part of Europe they people came from, blabla.
And cacs cac just like the USA. The difference is that here is way more in a "joking" way. Usually whites makes black jokes. And if a black man get on some

. Everyone gets "

whoa IT'S JUST A JOKE, You are being the racist here blabla"
See? And blacks are conditioned and brainwashed just like blacks from USA. The media is all white (more white, I would say, we never had black television), etc.
BUT the difference is the classism, if you're black and rich you'll be accepted everywhere. Otherwise if you a average broken black like me, I don't think so.