There's no racism in Europe brehs

Vilified not verified

May 26, 2012
True. The further you go up north its less black people and more Asians though. And you know chavs and Asians don't really get along. That little kid in the documentary is gonna grow up to be a fukking menace though, if someone doesn't set him straight :laugh:
Bristol ain't "up north" look at a map.


All Star
Nov 26, 2013
This, I am a black brazilian and I can confirm this.

And racism in Brazil is strong. But it is "hidden". Like everyone pretend that there's "no racism". But if you black you can see that it's a lie.

What bothers me more, is that in Brazil cacs can say racist jokes without any repercution whatsoever.

Usually a black man will get :birdman: only if it's reeeally racist and offensive.

@Tommy Knocks

Im Kemet Rocky & I like penis

googling gay porn :ahh:
Oct 28, 2013
Actually if you read between the lines they are both correct. Brasil and America have 2 different histories and their racism are 2 different complexities. One is viewing one as classism, while the other is viewing it as racism. America hates everything african, while Brasil has completely embraced it into it's culture while the majority of the population even have black blood. In america, it's the inverted way, the homosapiens have beast blood and adopted western culture. Neither side is right nor wrong, just misunderstanding. Brasil, because I highly doubt they hate black people, are prejudice, but americans consider prejudice racism. (fukking strange), by the same logic their are tribes here who are racist toward each other if you follow the american way of thinking. Makes no sense since we are the same 'race', it classifies as prejudice.

You have a strange fascination with penises that is unhealthy. This is now the 5th post I have see you mention male genitalia. You would receive a slapping for such thing around real men.
all wrong try again..

and i like dikk, whats the prob?

Im Kemet Rocky & I like penis

googling gay porn :ahh:
Oct 28, 2013
This, I am a black brazilian and I can confirm this.

And racism in Brazil is strong. But it is "hidden". Like everyone pretend that there's "no racism". But if you black you can see that it's a lie.

What bothers me more, is that in Brazil cacs can say racist jokes without any repercution whatsoever.

Usually a black man will get :birdman: only if it's reeeally racist and offensive.
@Clean Cut @Tommy Knocks


Jun 6, 2013
The UK historically is seen as one of the most tolerant places in europe. In fact despite all the racism and intolerance that is meant to exist here, it seems to be a very popular place for immigrants due to our generous benefit and housing system,and our strict observance of the the european human rights act, which other european countries seem to ignore the parts they want. In fact so popular is the UK, the french actually have to build special camps to keep them in and stop them swimming yes swimmiing across the english channel to get here.

Sadly because of the last governments mess,that was made over immigration ,where far too many people were allowed to settle from other countries,that tolerance is gradually going. There has always been a strong far right presence in the UK,,as well as a huge anti european lobby which much of the media endorses. However due to our political system it was very difficult for extremist parties on the right and left to gain a foothold. UKIP,which stands for united kingdom independence party, used to be an anti european protest group and bin for all sorts of oddballs, senile army officers who long for the days of the british empire etc etc.They were basically the British National Party (national socialists, very similar to nazis) , in blazers and the respectable party for those with right wing views .

Thanks to the mess made by the last government ,the general anger over the lies told by politicians about the two wars we went in with america, the corruption, the sex scandals, the paedophilia at the highest levels, More and more people are joining UKIP and they stand to win the euro elections coming up. The man who leads them nigel farage, has essentially reformed the party and made it appealing to working class voters that might have voted labour (socialist party), he also has banned BNP members past and present from joining them. Despite the various clangers said by some of the UKIP members and those involved with local politics which were homophobic and racial rants, people are just so angry with the political class in this country they are ignoring it, and in fact the more the mainstream media and political establishment go after ukip in this way ,get personal, the more people are joining them.

I have heard from various sources that farage isn't as nice and libertarian as he portrays, that he can be a right nasty b*stard, he regards this man the person who most influenced him

Enoch Powell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Powell who made the infamous rivers of blood speech where he forecasted in 20 years time that the black man would hold the whip hand over the white man.

Farage noticed that powell despite his upper class roots, was extremely popular with working class people, and is essentially bringing in 'powellism' into mainstream politics.

Sadly the left and the political class are to blame for farage and UKIP,if they had listened a bit more to the british people, not scammed them for years and denied them a say on being in the european union (the last referendum was in the 70's and since then the EU has changed beyond recognition) The mainstream media and political class created UKIP and boosted farage, made him popular to counter the BNP who they viewed as much more dangerous. However farage has proven to be an extremely clever politician ,they created the monster now he is about to tear the whole place down.


Vilified not verified

May 26, 2012
Britain is not another word for England breh. Britain is the Island which contain's England, Wales and Scotland. England is just part of Britain. The English, Scottish and Welsh are all British. UK also has the 5th highest amount of immigrants in the world, so obviously "no one want's to move there," is a false claim.
Shut him down quicktime with nothing but facts got him looking like a right ol mug :russ:


All Star
Nov 26, 2013
Give me an example of racism you have endured, and how does it differentiate from prejudice.

Well we got prejudice racism over here too.

For an exemple of general racism, when I was a young nikka (maybe up to today), every time I entered in a supermarket, I got some security guards following me. This kinda of basic stuff.

Or being in a upper class place (aka white), or some especific places (like all white towns here in the south of Brazil) and everyone looking on some :mjpls:. Nobody say nothing but u can feel.

Anyway, Some user said that Brazil embrace African cultures... It's not even close to it. Brazilian black music and some (black) religions embrace a lot of African cultures. But white people and white wannabes (mixed c00ns) love to say how white they are and wich part of Europe they people came from, blabla.

And cacs cac just like the USA. The difference is that here is way more in a "joking" way. Usually whites makes black jokes. And if a black man get on some :birdman:. Everyone gets ":whoa: whoa IT'S JUST A JOKE, You are being the racist here blabla"

See? And blacks are conditioned and brainwashed just like blacks from USA. The media is all white (more white, I would say, we never had black television), etc.

BUT the difference is the classism, if you're black and rich you'll be accepted everywhere. Otherwise if you a average broken black like me, I don't think so.

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
lmfaoooo Europe is far worst than the US with Racism, I hear they treat Africans worst than illegal Mexicans are treated here in regard to rights and stuff


May 17, 2013
Well we got prejudice racism over here too.

For an exemple of general racism, when I was a young nikka (maybe up to today), every time I entered in a supermarket, I got some security guards following me. This kinda of basic stuff.

Or being in a upper class place (aka white), or some especific places (like all white towns here in the south of Brazil) and everyone looking on some :mjpls:. Nobody say nothing but u can feel.

Anyway, Some user said that Brazil embrace African cultures... It's not even close to it. Brazilian black music and some (black) religions embrace a lot of African cultures. But white people and white wannabes (mixed c00ns) love to say how white they are and wich part of Europe they people came from, blabla.

And cacs cac just like the USA. The difference is that here is way more in a "joking" way. Usually whites makes black jokes. And if a black man get on some :birdman:. Everyone gets ":whoa: whoa IT'S JUST A JOKE, You are being the racist here blabla"

See? And blacks are conditioned and brainwashed just like blacks from USA. The media is all white (more white, I would say, we never had black television), etc.

BUT the difference is the classism, if you're black and rich you'll be accepted everywhere. Otherwise if you a average broken black like me, I don't think so.
You basically just identified prejudice, not racism. I didn't read one hateful example. Such as I expected.

Now ask an AA what racism is, and you will get a very different, and more dark answer......