there were 2 angels who disobeyed God in the heavens! :


The King Of Power
Jun 18, 2014
This is solid breh. Cepher is nice (how could you take the name of God in vain without knowing his name?). People are waking up and realizing the Popee is suspect. Have you seen that he and others are trying to unite the “Abrahamic religions”? Keep in mind their is no religion, just following the word. I believe even Christianity as a religion will be used in the beast system as well.

i mean Christian churches like to act like they are not under rome. But half of what they believe in comes from the bishop of rome. lol so its like a daughter going against her mother :mjpls: wink wink

Yea once i came to the truth i always said how can god dammit be calling God's name in vein, when God is not his name or a name , its more of a title. The angels are in theory considered gods. When God says you shall have no other gods besides me, He's not schizophonic, He's talking them other rebellious beings acting like they are Him.

Christianity is part of the beast system, The Christ, is a greek thing nothing to do with the Messiah, revelation 13 specifies in the original greek tongue is Chi xi stigma

Chi (χ) is 600. Xi or Ksi (ξ) is 60. and Stigma (Στ or ϛ) is 6. Chi or Xmas Chi (χ) is 600. Xi or Ksi (ξ) is 60. and Stigma (Στ or ϛ) is 6.

CHI or X is the first letter of Christ XP in greek "ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ

13 The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea (sea serpent )


so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark (which is the name of the beast or rather the symbol of its name)


18 This calls for wisdom (to discern the Christogram). Let the person who has (spiritual) eyes to see reckon up the pictogram of the(symbol) of the beast that identifies him, for it is the (symbol) of a man. That symbol is the trinity.

No exposition of The False Messiah would be complete without exposing the name of the beast and the number of his name. Again we are misled by The Christian Church to believe The Mark of the Beast is 666 when actually it is the spiritual mark of The Trinity which is a “X” on the forehead with your“right hand” (belief that Jesus in God incarnate) which is opposite of The Mark of YHVH. In reality, the numbers 666 have nothing to do with anything at all! That is where the wisdom and insight come in. You see, John didn’t write down a “number”, he wrote down the 3 Greek letters of the symbol of Jesus Christ to the exclusion of all others in history.

666 is a violation of scripture not to “add to or subtract from”. So the number 666 in our English Bibles is misleading as it only represented the gematria or the associated number of what John actually wrote in Greek letters ,

, (Chi, Xi and Sigma). Translators converted the Greek letters


into the number 666 because they mistranslated the meaning of the Greek word arithmos in Rev. 13 as “number”. Then they subtracted


and added 666.

They should never have changed the SYMBOL to a number in the first place! The Translators should have left this ‘symbol’ in our English Bibles as


so that at “the time of the end” we would recognize the mark, the monogram, and the pictogram. . We arrived at our English translation of Revelation 13 by uninspired translators and scribes who did not posses the “wisdom” and spiritual “insight” John said was required, leaving us all subsequently in the dark until now. So let’s illuminate Revelation 13 with a little Wisdom from YHVH and spiritual insight…What John was shown in Revelation 13 was a vision of the mark, the symbol of the serpent, the pictogram, and the monogram of Jesus . John did not see nor write a number. The symbol John saw was a symbol for Jesus which is called a Christo gram. A Christo gram is a monogram or combination of Greek letters that forms an abbreviation for the name of Jesus Christ, traditionally used as a Christian symbol. Christo gram comes from the Latin phrase "Christi Monogramma", meaning "monogram of Christ". Different types of Christo grams are associated with the various traditions of Christianity .The Catholic Encyclopedia admits that XS is one of the standard Christo grams: We read below these 3 Greek characters represent the pagan Greek title Christos ΧΡΙΣΤΟS used of all pagan demi-gods after which Jesus Christ was fashioned by Constantine. But this ONE monogram XS includes the symbol of the sea serpent mentioned in Revelation 13:1. The middle letter represents the symbol of the serpent and is intimately connected with the ancient Egyptian Mysteries.

Basically Jesus Christ is the Antichrist since that is not his name , nor does he look like what they depict him as or does he stand for what the Christian Jesus stands for lol



Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
i mean Christian churches like to act like they are not under rome. But half of what they believe in comes from the bishop of rome. lol so its like a daughter going against her mother :mjpls: wink wink

Yea once i came to the truth i always said how can god dammit be calling God's name in vein, when God is not his name or a name , its more of a title. The angels are in theory considered gods. When God says you shall have no other gods besides me, He's not schizophonic, He's talking them other rebellious beings acting like they are Him.

Christianity is part of the beast system, The Christ, is a greek thing nothing to do with the Messiah, revelation 13 specifies in the original greek tongue is Chi xi stigma

Chi (χ) is 600. Xi or Ksi (ξ) is 60. and Stigma (Στ or ϛ) is 6. Chi or Xmas Chi (χ) is 600. Xi or Ksi (ξ) is 60. and Stigma (Στ or ϛ) is 6.

CHI or X is the first letter of Christ XP in greek "ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ

13 The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea (sea serpent )


so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark (which is the name of the beast or rather the symbol of its name)


18 This calls for wisdom (to discern the Christogram). Let the person who has (spiritual) eyes to see reckon up the pictogram of the(symbol) of the beast that identifies him, for it is the (symbol) of a man. That symbol is the trinity.

No exposition of The False Messiah would be complete without exposing the name of the beast and the number of his name. Again we are misled by The Christian Church to believe The Mark of the Beast is 666 when actually it is the spiritual mark of The Trinity which is a “X” on the forehead with your“right hand” (belief that Jesus in God incarnate) which is opposite of The Mark of YHVH. In reality, the numbers 666 have nothing to do with anything at all! That is where the wisdom and insight come in. You see, John didn’t write down a “number”, he wrote down the 3 Greek letters of the symbol of Jesus Christ to the exclusion of all others in history.

666 is a violation of scripture not to “add to or subtract from”. So the number 666 in our English Bibles is misleading as it only represented the gematria or the associated number of what John actually wrote in Greek letters ,

, (Chi, Xi and Sigma). Translators converted the Greek letters


into the number 666 because they mistranslated the meaning of the Greek word arithmos in Rev. 13 as “number”. Then they subtracted


and added 666.

They should never have changed the SYMBOL to a number in the first place! The Translators should have left this ‘symbol’ in our English Bibles as


so that at “the time of the end” we would recognize the mark, the monogram, and the pictogram. . We arrived at our English translation of Revelation 13 by uninspired translators and scribes who did not posses the “wisdom” and spiritual “insight” John said was required, leaving us all subsequently in the dark until now. So let’s illuminate Revelation 13 with a little Wisdom from YHVH and spiritual insight…What John was shown in Revelation 13 was a vision of the mark, the symbol of the serpent, the pictogram, and the monogram of Jesus . John did not see nor write a number. The symbol John saw was a symbol for Jesus which is called a Christo gram. A Christo gram is a monogram or combination of Greek letters that forms an abbreviation for the name of Jesus Christ, traditionally used as a Christian symbol. Christo gram comes from the Latin phrase "Christi Monogramma", meaning "monogram of Christ". Different types of Christo grams are associated with the various traditions of Christianity .The Catholic Encyclopedia admits that XS is one of the standard Christo grams: We read below these 3 Greek characters represent the pagan Greek title Christos ΧΡΙΣΤΟS used of all pagan demi-gods after which Jesus Christ was fashioned by Constantine. But this ONE monogram XS includes the symbol of the sea serpent mentioned in Revelation 13:1. The middle letter represents the symbol of the serpent and is intimately connected with the ancient Egyptian Mysteries.

Basically Jesus Christ is the Antichrist since that is not his name , nor does he look like what they depict him as or does he stand for what the Christian Jesus stands for lol


maybe its not Rho...but Qoph (Koppa)

:sas1: We are living in a world of illusion


The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
King James was gay and nikkas love quoting his book. Loved emphasizing slavery so he can bussy bandit in peace

Ptolemy philadelphus had the Septuagint commissioned for the library of Alexandria
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The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
Is it really the mountains tho? When you look of Caucasian they equate it with white peolple ima read of turkey, Jordan, ect. But when you look at Anglo Saxon it seems to be what the blue eyed people are. It just seems like they came out of nowhere. They are the least on the planet, with all the power and access to technology. I refuse to believe a human mind comes up with this level of tech. What you get in schools are merely schematics, but the source I refuse to believe is of human doing.
Their whole culture is eastern mixed in with thievery due to not living in an abundant habitat. They were enlightened by various darker skinned migrations lording over europe

the occult shyt Newton was studying was Indian math school shyt mixed in with Babylonian mysteries and probably Egyptian and Dogón stuff, that’s where he pulled calculus from


The King Of Power
Jun 18, 2014
caucus mountains.

video is something else but its the term of white people, but this lecture is about white slaves and why they needed to be white.

got some Dr Frances Cress Welsing.

on deck too.

the bible says esau lived in the clefts of the rocks:mjpls: they love talking about how they are cavemen lol:skip:


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
Yes sir, let me quote two specifics prophecies from the bible that talks about the calendar.

Rome removed 10 days from the calendar so easter can fit into their pagan ways...

And all the days of the commandment will be two and fifty weeks of days, and these will make the entire year complete. Thus it is engraven and ordained on the heavenly tablets. And there is no neglecting this commandment for a single year or from year to year. And command you the children of Yashar'el that they observe the years according to this reckoning three hundred and sixty four days, and these will constitute a complete year, and they will not disturb its time from its days and from its feasts; for everything will fall out in them according to their testimony, and they will not leave out any day nor disturb any feasts.

But if they do neglect and do not observe them according to his commandment, then they will disturb all their seasons and the years will be dislodged from this order, and they will disturb the seasons and the years will be dislodged and they will neglect their ordinances. And all the children of Yashar'el will forget and will not find the path of the years, and will forget the New Moons, and seasons, and Shabbaths and they will go wrong as to all the order of the years. YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 6:30-34 את CEPHER

For there will be those who will assuredly make observations of the moon how it disturbs the seasons and comes in from year to year ten days too soon. YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 6:36 את CEPHER

Daniel 7 25 He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.

I believe the negroes are the biblical hebrews but that is another topic in itself

Pope gregory removed 10 days from the calendar messed up the seasons for the hebrews and the world started keeping pagan holidays
So how do you find the real sabbath.? Also what do you make of “aliens/ufos/metaverse ”? Also do u see the anti messiah as a literal man?


Aug 1, 2012
King James was gay and nikkas love quoting his book. Loved emphasizing slavery so he can bussy bandit in peace

Ptolemy philadelphus had the Septuagint commissioned for the library of Alexandria


So how do you find the real sabbath.? Also what do you make of “aliens/ufos/metaverse ”? Also do u see the anti messiah as a literal man?

we all need to be up on the metaverse its the future, a lot of our teachers and scholars are going in on the metaverse. giving enough information and useful advice to get a set up. i saw you mentioned in a previous post earlier we live in a simulation? thats a different concept but what makes you think like that?

brother red pill has been giving us data on that for a while even before zuckerbergs official video ... i am a subscriber to his channel. i dont expect you to watch it all but this metaverse and NFTs we all need to be well versed in this.

coli could be an NFT paradise, even though i am still not sure about the specifics.

we need light. 2021 starting to look like the bruce willis sci-fi movie "surrogates".


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