i wanna see vader in his prime taking down ships by will and ripping them apart fleets at a time
He already had a solo movie
I remember him burning in a lava pit and it ending with him in the costume,what more do you need
Movie was shytty btw.
True.Yall star wars dudes need to chill, yall are already getting an unecessary Han solo, solo flick. Then probably a prequel to the prequels and a sequel to the prequels. smh.
in 2006 i read that book dark lord rise of darth vader by james luceno in fukking walmart in one sitting it was that good.
There is the hunting down remaining jedi and him learning to use the force as a cyborg, as was in the Dark Lord book that was mentioned. It would be cool to have that book translated on film, but pointless at the same time. Maybe a Netflix series. They got a 100 episode series about Celia Cruz, why not VaderSeriously, that's all the prequels were - Anakin/Vader's origins and turn for the dark side. I'm not sure what else could be explored other than all of the crying and screaming he probably did after they air lifted him to Palpatine's burn unit.