There has been a lot of talk about “black men hate black women” behind kamala Harris, but if Obama..

Would Barack have had similar success with black women if he had a white wife?

  • Yes for percentages, but with lower turnout

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
Nope. Michelle is what drew a lot of us to him. And he genuinely seemed more connected to our culture or at least tried to. I don’t see Kamala as black the way I saw Obama. I think it’s because of her fake pandering and how disconnected she’s seemed from the black experience and our culture.

And I know some black women that like me, are also suspicious of her. Anyway because of how disconnected she is I foresee that she will continue the “all lives matter” and focus more on illegal immigration and lgbta than on AA’s, let alone the bw who largely supported her and see her as one of us.

My sister sees her as a black woman, and is extremely excited about her being the VP. Kamala is AKA and my sister is too. She connects with her in that way. I know a few Howard alums who connect with Kamala based off that. She looks like a light skinned bw, been playing Mary J blige and wearing timbs—so more connect with her now smh.
I understand why bm don’t support-they can’t connect with her. Especially with her history.

Kamala doesnt look Indian though and many whites see her as black. When we look at it that way, I think the fact that we are ushering in another biracial black person into the office, who is also a woman(the first woman to ever be VP) it does mean something... she did it before a ww could, I know they’re seething and that makes me happy.


May 15, 2014
Breh if Obama was an ex prosecutor and had a white wife and no kids.

Then on top of that dated sistas and married a white woman and was the step dad of two white kids.

Man the amount of hate that dude would have gotten couldn't be measured.

Thats why this whole kamala is treated bad by black men cause she is married to a white man is bull shyt.

Second of all there were questions of Obama's blackness too and was he really down down cause his momma was white and he grew up with white folks. But all that got thrown to the side cause of michelle and them pretty little black girls he had.

Most black folks who loved obama.... loved him cause of michelle and them kids. Anyone who was around when Obama got elected remembers all the photos, shirts, pictures that they were selling with obama, michelle and them girls on them. It was a total package.

Without michelle and them kids Obama would have been Harold Ford Jr. hopes and dreams of being president and never being full field.

George's Dilemma

May 27, 2012
I think back to the Nate Parker situation when his movie was about to drop, and his past regarding a rape came up. White people held off casting judgement initially. If you remember, they didn't jump on him right away. What made them go at him eventually is when Black women on social media gave them the green light. The reason those women gave the okay, was because they were in their feelings over Parker being married to a white woman. If Parker had been married to a Black woman, they would have had his back.

That said, regarding Obama, had he been married to a white woman, Black women would have rejected him. A large portion of Black women didn't vote for Obama based on his politics or views. They voted for him because he fit a certain ideal that they dream of. They see themselves as being accepted when viewing Barrack's successful marriage with Michelle Obama. A lot of these women will never get married, will be single mothers, will not ever have children, will be gamed on by numerous men throughout their sexual prime years, etc.. The irony is Obama campaigned with a slogan based on "hope". That's exactly what a lot Black women looking at his marriage needed. It's no coincidence now that he's gone and Trump is in office, the current narrative on social media is Black men being the weakest link. They lost hope.


“I’m Sorry for 2025”
Nov 11, 2017
Obama would not have been embraced as much as he was by the black community, if his wife wasn’t black. That’s a fact.

@shopthatwrecks you’re missing the point completely. Obama having a black wife and family helped him become more ingratiated with black voters. If he had a white wife, his credentials would’ve been Under a lot more scrutiny. Black women definitely would’ve been less likely to embrace him. The white demographic would’ve been turned off (yes even the liberal whites). There is a still an unspoken uncomfortableness seeing a black man with a white wife.

Russell Wilson was considered corny until he started dating Ciara. No Black women were checking for him when he had that ugly cave bytch. Once he married Ciara, all of the sudden, his “swag” became undeniable to Black women.

You really don’t understand the importance of image. Would Obama have gotten elected if he had a white wife? Probably. Would he have had as much support from the black community? Absolutely not. He would’ve been seen as another Tiger Woods.

Even though Mrs Obama became extremely overbearing towards the end of the 2nd time onwards, her marrying Obama put him under a lot less scrutiny.

I mean, he was raised by a single white mother with a biological Kenyan father. He didn’t have the “authentic” black experience. If he had a white wife, he would’ve got it from both sides. Having a black wife and kids made him impervious to black criticism (even though he deserved a lot of it).

And quietly kept, it endeared him a lot more to his white voters. Even with the so called white liberals, they would’ve had an issue voting for a biracial man with a white wife and awkward looking family.


May 15, 2014
Nope. Michelle is what drew a lot of us to him. And he genuinely seemed more connected to our culture or at least tried to. I don’t see Kamala as black the way I saw Obama. I think it’s because of her fake pandering and how disconnected she’s seemed from the black experience and our culture.

And I know some black women that like me, are also suspicious of her. Anyway because of how disconnected she is I foresee that she will continue the “all lives matter” and focus more on illegal immigration and lgbta than on AA’s, let alone the bw who largely supported her and see her as one of us.

My sister sees her as a black woman, and is extremely excited about her being the VP. Kamala is AKA and my sister is too. She connects with her in that way. I know a few Howard alums who connect with Kamala based off that. She looks like a light skinned bw, been playing Mary J blige and wearing timbs—so more connect with her now smh.
I understand why bm don’t support-they can’t connect with her. Especially with her history.

Kamala doesnt look Indian though and many whites see her as black. When we look at it that way, I think the fact that we are ushering in another biracial black person into the office, who is also a woman(the first woman to ever be VP) it does mean something... she did it before a ww could, I know they’re seething and that makes me happy.

Great post sista. My sista is an aka and doesn't really care for her. She even said when we gonna get a chocolate sista or man in the office who is black american.

If kamala was a sista (with out connections to law enforcement) that looked like michelle obama and was from the states black folks would fall all over her even if she was married to a white man.

Also kamala is smart. But she ain't got that gift of gab like obama. Paul mooney said it best...obama looked like Malcolm X but talked like MLK. Obama could be thrown in the ocean with hungry great white shark and next thing you know obama and the shark would be out there having a meeting of the minds..:mjlol:

The brotha was just smooth and could talk himself out of any situation.

Lastly michelle opened up the doors for obama for black folks to accept him. But them two beautiful little black daughters he had sealed the deal. I don't know any black person who loved black people who didn't feel some type of positive way seeing obama with pretty michelle and those two pretty daughters. That sealed the mothafukking deal IMO.
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get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
This is NOT a “dikk watching” thread. IR gang, do not come in here acting triggered.

If Barack Obama had a white wife would black women still have supported him at the same level?
Not sure. Many women are wired different.

Men are supposed to make decisions based on logic. If you feel the best candidate for the leadership position has a white spouse, then so be it.

Luke Cage

Coffee Lover
Jul 18, 2012
Black Excellance:blessed:


Apr 3, 2014
This is NOT a “dikk watching” thread. IR gang, do not come in here acting triggered.

If Barack Obama had a white wife would black women still have supported him at the same level?

:ehh: fair enough point

And you're right. Probably not.

But I don't think they would have said he's not black :ufdup: