Current stickied threads:
Official Power Book II: Ghost Season 2 Thread
Official Hawkeye Season 1 Thread
Coli-members what's the last thing you watched?
Official Netflix Thread
Official Succession Thread
Official Dexter: New Blood Thread
What Anime are you currently watching?
Issa Rae’s Emmy Winning Series: Insecure Official Thread
The Official Comic Book Discussion Thread [Essential Books to read added in OP]
HBO MAX Thread
Right off the bat,
Official Power Book II: Ghost Season 2 Thread
Official Hawkeye Season 1 Thread
Official Succession Thread
Official Dexter: New Blood Thread
Issa Rae’s Emmy Winning Series: Insecure Official Thread
All 5 of those threads should be unstickied. There is no need for individual shows to be up there. It's not hard to find them on the 1st page if the current season is active and people are commenting on them.
Coli-members what's the last thing you watched?
Official Netflix Thread
HBO MAX Thread
All three of these threads encompass the same idea: Movies or shows that you have seen. Do we really need 2 additional threads to specify which platform they are on?
You could just leave the Last Thing You Watched thread. A person could say "I saw X-movie. It's on Netflix". Done. Not only that but often movies or shows on Netflix and HBO leave their platforms. So what good is it for someone to say they saw a movie on Netflix only for a reader 6 months later to see that comment, look for the movie and find out that Netflix took it out of the rotation? Useless.
Finally you have The Official Comic Book Discussion Thread, and the What Anime Are You Currently Watching?
Fine. Those are unique/specific. And have a ton of replies. It seems like a 1 stop shop and I have no problems with them.
So realistically, out of the 10 threads above we should be left with:
1. The Official Comic Book Discussion Thread.
2. What Anime Are You Currently Watching?
3. Coli-members what's the last thing you watched?