TheColi Has Been Catfished By @SheeBadd

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Tim Dripcan

Mar 25, 2015
Misty is rather annoyed and he asked me to send a message to ya'll, I did not make him aware of this thread(he said someone else on here did) since I seldom come on here anymore. Enjoy:

"I must have stepped out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber or something, because in my world about 2-4 years has passed since I’ve interacted with any of you people, yet I’ve discovered that my name still comes up daily as if no time has passed at all. I honestly forgot all of your screen names and shyt, so I won’t even bother addressing you people by name. Anyway, I don’t know whether to feel honored, or creeped out by the fact that there are grown men out there who think about me and search high and low for me everyday.

To the people asking why I put my page on private. Maybe because I don’t want a bunch of creepers stalking me? That’s my right. Anyway I am in no shape or form on that site, nor will I ever EVER even think about EVER returning there. I’ve changed a lot since I was 18 and I have zero interest in the topics that you people have. When I found SOHH it was a funny place to laugh at original jokes and download a lot of porn. Whatever the fukk you want to call that place now is nothing but the same racist, misogynistic, xenophobic and homophobic threads repeated ad nauseam. How many more black men vs black women threads do you guys need to make?

And before that one “cool” guy makes a comment about me “still being there” because I know about that corny thread. Nope. Someone texted me about it. No discussions have evolved on that site, and the fact that people keep bringing up shyt from 2011 four years later proves that. You people talk about the same old shyt everyday. Whoever is booking that site must also be booking Raw. I’m not on some “quest” to “collect dikk pics” and from what the women on LSA and thecoli have told me, I have the biggest dikk on there anyway. Apparently you guys must be in agreement with the ladies since you keep trying to ride mine.

Nothing about that site is valuable to me. I don’t even associate with your “demographic” of people anyway. You people spend all day online and don’t even know how google search results go. If you search a specific phrase in google that phrase will show up on whatever web page it was on. Right next to her email on the google search results you could CLEARLY see David Wise (shoutouts to Yooka-Laylee!). It’s not rocket science people… but then again, I have to remember what “demographic” of people I’m dealing with. I swear, I’ll be 70 years old with my wife and you guys will be making threads about how many wrinkles, freckles or grey hairs I have or how my wife is too pale or whatever ever else dumb shyt you people nitpick. Get a life. They’re free. That’s my rant. Misty Out."

I wonder if black women that signed up on the LSA knows that a white person runs that site (white racist lesbian in particular)? I've had lady friends (high school friends) who signed up on that evil misandry/racist site, and their experiences wasn't pleasant based off what they informed me about. I can tell there are allot of racists/c00ns on that site. The one thing I respect about coli is most posters ( a few) don't tolerate racism. Yes, I agree there are a few bone heads on the coli that shyts on black women, but at least this site is not like LSA.:scust:

Further more there are numerous of topics to discussed on this forum. I hope you and your c00ns enjoy your white devil site.

Why isn't this albino ban? :scust:

Vilified not verified

May 26, 2012

Looool @Millions you fukk boy fraud


Nov 8, 2014
Lol you turds need lives, now I see why I haven't posted here in a month(not including asking why certain members keep @ing me). Also stop mentioning LSA, we don't want anything to do with this toilet bowl full of pathetic crusty male nigroids jerking each other off and complaining about black women.

Bye won't be back, flushing the toilet.


May 2, 2012
This is my career coli moment right here, I knew this shyt was froggy from the jump. Also is twitter page was public at 5 am when I posted this. The next morning after this thread was made he made is Twitter private. Also when the Twitter was still public he just started tweeting again at end of april after a few months. Im telling you he's out of school and bored with no life so he creates fukkery. You can create fukkery and not pretend to be a woman to get dikk pics tho, that's just gay.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Misty is rather annoyed and he asked me to send a message to ya'll, I did not make him aware of this thread(he said someone else on here did) since I seldom come on here anymore. Enjoy:

"I must have stepped out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber or something, because in my world about 2-4 years has passed since I’ve interacted with any of you people, yet I’ve discovered that my name still comes up daily as if no time has passed at all. I honestly forgot all of your screen names and shyt, so I won’t even bother addressing you people by name. Anyway, I don’t know whether to feel honored, or creeped out by the fact that there are grown men out there who think about me and search high and low for me everyday.

To the people asking why I put my page on private. Maybe because I don’t want a bunch of creepers stalking me? That’s my right. Anyway I am in no shape or form on that site, nor will I ever EVER even think about EVER returning there. I’ve changed a lot since I was 18 and I have zero interest in the topics that you people have. When I found SOHH it was a funny place to laugh at original jokes and download a lot of porn. Whatever the fukk you want to call that place now is nothing but the same racist, misogynistic, xenophobic and homophobic threads repeated ad nauseam. How many more black men vs black women threads do you guys need to make?

And before that one “cool” guy makes a comment about me “still being there” because I know about that corny thread. Nope. Someone texted me about it. No discussions have evolved on that site, and the fact that people keep bringing up shyt from 2011 four years later proves that. You people talk about the same old shyt everyday. Whoever is booking that site must also be booking Raw. I’m not on some “quest” to “collect dikk pics” and from what the women on LSA and thecoli have told me, I have the biggest dikk on there anyway. Apparently you guys must be in agreement with the ladies since you keep trying to ride mine.

Nothing about that site is valuable to me. I don’t even associate with your “demographic” of people anyway. You people spend all day online and don’t even know how google search results go. If you search a specific phrase in google that phrase will show up on whatever web page it was on. Right next to her email on the google search results you could CLEARLY see David Wise (shoutouts to Yooka-Laylee!). It’s not rocket science people… but then again, I have to remember what “demographic” of people I’m dealing with. I swear, I’ll be 70 years old with my wife and you guys will be making threads about how many wrinkles, freckles or grey hairs I have or how my wife is too pale or whatever ever else dumb shyt you people nitpick. Get a life. They’re free. That’s my rant. Misty Out."

"wife is too pale"

Frog being a c00n doesn't surprise me.


No Shorts No Malarkey
Jul 22, 2014
Theodore breh and associates
This is my career coli moment right here, I knew this shyt was froggy from the jump. Also is twitter page was public at 5 am when I posted this. The next morning after this thread was made he made is Twitter private. Also when the Twitter was still public he just started tweeting again at end of april after a few months. Im telling you he's out of school and bored with no life so he creates fukkery. You can create fukkery and not pretend to be a woman to get dikk pics tho, that's just gay.
dude is ultra omega fakkit. Glad this shyt came out. Gotta be confirmed now shyt could have been dead and buried yesterday


No Shorts No Malarkey
Jul 22, 2014
Theodore breh and associates
:yeshrug:all this is the same person fake page brehs yall stupid or something yall should neg anybody who take up for them because more than likely its them
why doesn't this have any daps? Anybody in here claiming they know the **** probably is them on another account or some shyt. Simple as that.
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