You can all you want but the truth is the truth. Ask anyone why they play on XBL despite the fact that its a paid service, and they will tell you "it's because all my friends are on XBL"
what ff your friends are on PSN?
You can all you want but the truth is the truth. Ask anyone why they play on XBL despite the fact that its a paid service, and they will tell you "it's because all my friends are on XBL"
what ff your friends are on PSN?
They're probably are playing uncharted MP
I had way more fun on Uncharted MP than any halo or Gears of War.
I'm not even a big gears or halo fan. But I have to call on this one.
I've put in over 200 hours into UC2. Nearly the same on UC3.
I put probably less than 40 hours on Halo 4 and I think about 50-60 hours on Gears 3.
UC2 was the shyt back in early 2011. days.
Well for me, and I can only speak for me. Paying for Xbox Live actually SAVES me money...
No wait let me finish. I don't pay for cable, that shyt is too expensive and I already have Netflix, Hulu and a HD antenna. My fam let me use their info which lets me watch HBO Go and ESPN live among other things on the big screen. Without having to get to technical. It's about convenience. And paying under $30 a month for Netflix, Hulu, HBO Go, ESPN etc is way cheaper than the $80-$100 I'd be paying for cable.
So that's ONE of the reasons I don't mind paying for Xbox Live. It saves me money. And last time I checked I couldn't do that on PS3. Now maybe PS4 will be different who knows.
FYI: I have both 360 and PS3, I also don't know which console I will get next. there a used game fee or not?
There's 15 exclusives? What are they?
i got a 16GB stick for my Vita for $30
Sony for that shyt. I don't like it one bit. I did manage to get the 16gb for $30 at Target via pricematching.