Man I watched that shyt live and it was rough to sit through.
The Ladder Match was really good and had a surprising winner and it made for a nice WM moment. Then after that there was nothing but dumb booking, AJ Styles lost his first WM match to Jericho for no reason, the League of Nations beat the New Day which was dumb because the LON ended up getting beat up by the legends after the match. Brock/Ambrose was a disgrace cause Brock didn't wanna take no hardcore bumps, had Terry Funk talking to Dean in the buildup for nothing. The Women's Triple Threat was set up perfectly for Sasha to win but they decided to start the Charlotte super push. Shane vs Taker ended up not mattering anyway cause Shane showed up on Raw the next night (Vince ssid Shane was supposed to go away if he lost) and it featured an incredibly corny line from Cole "For The Love of Mankind!"

The Battle Royal was fun, didn't have a problem with Corbin winning, nice moment for a NXT star. The Rock's segment felt like an hour long and made Bray look like a joke even further, but we did get a Rock match, which was 6 seconds long, Cena returning was cool though.
Now here's Roman vs Triple H, this was in the middle of the Reject Reigns movement, Triple H tried his best heel it up against Roman but the crowd refused to cheer Roman, WWE even tried to mute the boos live, just a huge clusterfukk.
The show had no business being that bad but it was the worst booked WrestleMania of all time.