Wii U should've came with a Pro controller. Definitely a worthwhile purchase though.
Guys I like the Wii U but I'm really afraid this console won't have legs.
thats how I feel...and I love nintendo,but Ill just hold on a lil longer.I know Wii U hands down has the best exclusives thus far, but the abysmal sales combined with near-0 third party support concerns. Nintendo always does holds shyt down the first year or two of the cycle than it becomes the platform becomes a barren wasteland. I love Nintendo, I'm an exfanboy. I'm just worried we're gonna get the worst console cycle yet from them.
Smash will still be piff.
Best exclusives Opinions nikka
Bayonetta 2 >>> sunset overdrive
Mario kart >>>>>> forza
Smash >>>> killer instinct
Splatoon >>>> titanfall
Both X1 and Wii U >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PS4
Hows the graphics ? been away since the cube era dont think I can go back to weaker graphics like Wii had
Very fukking good. Easily comparable to X1 and PS4. Bayonetta 2 is probably one of the more impressive graphical games released this gen. Mario Kart 8 is great as well.Hows the graphics ? been away since the cube era dont think I can go back to weaker graphics like Wii had