The white mind of Barack Obama


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
I saw this posted on another forum & thought it was interesting:

People always need to remember that a white woman gave birth to Barack Obama, and he was raised by white people for the first 18 years of his life. Being raised by white people totally shaped his thinking. Then he went to two mostly white colleges. For most of his life Barack Obama has been in mostly white environments and that totally shaped his thinking.

Even though his skin is brown his mind is white.

A the end of the day many black people are disappointed in him, because he's done things against blacks that white politicians hasn't even done.

Let's take a look at some of them.

1. Obama made his cabinet 99% white, even though many blacks and people of other races voted for him.

2. His cabinet was not diverse at all.

3. He mainly picked people from white Ivy League schools to fill his cabinet.

4. Obama CUT FUNDING to Africa, in the fight against AIDS. This caused many people in Africa to die because of the lack of AIDS medicine.

5. Haiti is a poor black country. Obama fought against Haiti raising their minimum wage above 31 cents an hour. This was pushed by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. They said that it would be bad for the American companies that have factories in Haiti.

6. Obama put American greed over the well being of the blacks in Haiti.

7. Obama bombed the AFRICAN country of Libya killing 1000's of innocent men, women, and children that wasn't bothering anybody.

8. Obama and NATO also killed the president of that African country, who was very close friends with Nelson Mandela.

9. Today that African country is totally destabilized because of it, to the point where people are now risking their lives trying to flee that country by sea on makeshift rafts.

10. Obama sold weapons to South Sudan and three other African countries that use child soldiers.

11. Obama threaten to put sanctions on different African countries because of their stance on the gay lifestyle.

12. Obama extended sanction on the African country of Zimbabwe, saying that president Robert Mugabe government policy interferes with American foreign interest. Mugabe doesn't bow down to European pressure, therefore he's disliked by the U.S. government.

13. Obama refused to go to the United Nations Conference on Racism.

14. Here in America Obama CUT FUNDING to black colleges. Which hurt many black students trying to go to college.

15. Obama said that he's against reparations for black descendants of slaves.

16. Black Americans said that they wanted to see another black person on the Supreme Court, maybe even a black woman.Obama nominated three people to the Supreme Court and neither one was black.

17. In his book Dreams from my Father, Obama speaks against Black Nationalism.

18. Obama denounced the black pastor of the church that he went to. He also left that church as if they had never done anything for him. He did that in order to be acceptable to whites.

19. In a press conference speaking against his former pastor Rev Jeremiah Wright, Obama criticized Rev Wright for praising Minister Louis Farrakhan calling him one of the greatest voices of the 20 Century .

20. A president can push for any bill they want to. A president can ask Congressmen and Senators to write a bill and try to get it pushed through. The police are killing unarmed blacks everyday, and in 8 years Obama did not asked the Congress or the Senate to write laws to crack down on bad police. He chose not to. But Obama asked the Supreme Court to rule in favor of legalizing gay marriage.

21. Michael Brown was an unarmed black kid killed by a police officer in Ferguson Missouri. For months this was the biggest news story in America, it even made headline news around the world. To this very day Obama has not even set foot in Ferguson to pay his respects and talk to the blacks in that town.

22. Obama NEVER met with any of the parents of unarmed blacks killed by the police.

23. Democrat Joe Biden wrote the 3 Strike Law that filled up the prison with blacks, and Barack Obama made him his vice president.

24. Obama ignored black people for the whole 8 years he was in the white house. But he did everything he could for gays and other groups.

25. Obama passed a law to protect the police, but he never passed a law to stop the police from killing unarmed blacks.

26. Marcus Garvey was one of the greatest black leaders that the world had ever seen, he organized millions of black people. He taught black people to love themselves, and be proud of the way that God made them. He taught blacks to come together and do for self. Garvey built factories, grocery stores and other things, and by doing so he created 1000's of jobs for blacks. Marcus Garvey was lied on an falsely sent to prison. People have asked Barack Obama to pardon Marcus Garvey but he has refused.

27. White countries raped, robbed and exploited African countries through colonialism, they crippled the continent of Africa by taking it's natural resources, and Africa is still seeing the negative affects of colonialism today. Many African countries are still being exploited by whites today. Well known white companies are still using slave labor in Africa today, and some are even using child slave labor. (But Barack Obama went to Africa and told blacks to stop blaming their problems on colonialism).

28. Assata Shakur is a black woman and a political prisoner, and under Barack Obama, she was put on terrorist Most Wanted List, she's the first woman that the U.S. Government has ever put on the terrorist list. Even though she's not a terrorist, and she's never blown up anything.

29. White presidents have pardon white politicians, and even a few black politicians. In 8 years Obama has not pardon any black politician, even though some are in prison for minor charges.

30. After getting 90% of the black vote, Obama got in the white house and said that it's wrong for him to focus on the troubles of black people. But he focused on helping gays.

31. Obama cut food stamps by 8 billion dollars, hurting some of the poor people that voted for him.

If a person with white skin had done those things, what would be the reaction of most black people?

Eight years after Obama being in the white house, blacks are in the same condition or worse, with nothing to show for him being in that position.

Obama sold weapons to African countries that use child soldiersDispatches: Obama Still Arms Governments Using Child Soldiers

Part 2

How Obama disappointed Africa How Obama disappointed Africa

Obama extends sanctions on Zimbabwe U.S renews sanctions imposed on Mugabe, Zanu PF officials – Nehanda Radio

Obama against Haiti raising their wages Wikileaks Haiti: U.S. pushed to lower minimum wage

Obama against reparations Obama stands firm against reparations

Obama pressed foreign governments to drop reparation demands for slaveryU.S. Holds Firm on Reparations, Israel in U.N. Racism Talks

Obama refused to pardon Marcus Garvey Obama Will Not Pardon Marcus Garvey

Obama overlooked (qualified blacks) for his cabinet, preferring to make his cabinet mostly white Congressional Black Caucus 'disappointed' in Obama's Cabinet picks

Obama refused to appoint a black person to the Supreme CourtDespite widespread appeals, Obama fails to appoint Black woman to Supreme Court

Black women say they feel disrespected that Obama overlooked them for the Supreme Court

Obama cut funding to black collegesBarack Obama and the $300 Million War on HBCUs | The Huffington Post

Part 2 Obama administration delivers ‘a nasty surprise’ to black college students, parents

Obama cut food stamps President Obama signs $8.7 billion food stamp cut into law

Obama said that it's wrong to focus on the troubles of black peopleObama Dismisses Criticism From The Congressional Black Caucus

Zimbabwe's president Robert Mugabe condemned Obama for putting sanctions on his country. Watch this video below.


Obama passed law to protect the police

Pictures of the whites that makes up Obama cabinetThe White people------that's behind Obama

If this is not a modern day Uncle Tom House Negro, then nobody else is.


Blacks fleeing Libya on a raft after Obama and Hillary Clinton bombed and destabilized Libya.



All Star
Dec 22, 2014
2. His cabinet was not diverse at all.

3. He mainly picked people from white Ivy League schools to fill his cabinet.
I'd rather have that then more identity politics running up and down the White House. :mjlol:

11. Obama threaten to put sanctions on different African countries because of their stance on the gay lifestyle.
"Gay lifestyle" :mjlol:

Black Americans said that they wanted to see another black person on the Supreme Court, maybe even a black woman.Obama nominated three people to the Supreme Court and neither one was black.
:stopitslime: No black supreme court justice, okay. But he put some black judges on the lower courts.:manny:

A president can push for any bill they want to. A president can ask Congressmen and Senators to write a bill and try to get it pushed through. The police are killing unarmed blacks everyday, and in 8 years Obama did not asked the Congress or the Senate to write laws to crack down on bad police. He chose not to. But Obama asked the Supreme Court to rule in favor of legalizing gay marriage.
More complicated than going through Congress. He tried to play both sides of this as per usual. Holder worked to get consent decrees by trying to reform police departments,at the same time keeping the 1033 program which militarized police. he ended it after the Baltimore craziness, but after Micah and Gavin came up out the woodwork Obama thought about reversing his 1033 decision.

22. Obama NEVER met with any of the parents of unarmed blacks killed by the police.
This is blatantly untrue because he took time out during touring the flood damage of Baton Rouge to visit Alton Sterling's family.

The shyt about HBCUS, black farmers is more complicate than I can write down here,

but yeah his passive aggressive Booker T bullshyt "cast down your buckets, while I try to make incremental passive reforms behind closed doors" and carrying out the ages old policy of "stability over democracy" by funding Kagame, the nikka from South Sudan and other shyt.:scust:

The Blackout

F-ck Da Mods
Dec 7, 2016
wow, and now to top it all off he's going around giving speeches to Wall Street for 400k, making the cipher complete. :wow:

but H Rap Brown has always said that we as conscious blacks must always be ready to go against ANY person they put into office, white or BLACK, bc the system mandates what the individual does, not the other way around.