Poetical Poltergeist
Precise and cold hearted
The only thing wack about Bane is what he was resorted to and how he went out. He was not underutilized.Bane
The only thing wack about Bane is what he was resorted to and how he went out. He was not underutilized.Bane
The only thing wack about Bane is what he was resorted to and how he went out. He was not underutilized.
His popularity came after the factboba fett but i believe him being underutilized is what resulted in him being 10x cooler and more mysterious.
Hans gruber
What we're Marvel Stan's excuse for that pathetic display?Ultron should have had a flaptop on........
Grievous should have been used better, his character had potential. They made him so much more agile and more of a threat in the animated series(early 2000s). Obviously he could be allowed to do more with animated format rather than live action but still. They really showed the potential of his character's fighting style.Honestly Darth Maul should have been a threat and used throughout Episodes 1, 2 and 3 and toss General Grievous in the bushes