That's the same season I stopped. Though it wasn't really a conscious decision. I had something to do one Sunday night so I missed an episode in the middle of season 5. I told myself "no problem, I'll just catch up later in the week

But before I knew it, it was Sunday again and I couldn't watch the new episode because I still hadn't watched last weeks. So I told myself "no problem, the mid-season finale is in a few weeks. I'll just wait until they all air and have something to watch during the off-season

The off-season came and one day I realized that to catch up I would have to spend an entire day binging the walking dead
And it was like suddenly, I realized I didn't really give a fukk about these characters or subplots anymore. I had been depending on the comic fans to give me hope. First it was, yeah I know season 2 sucks but wait until Michonne comes

....Michonne came and the show as still
Then they were like, wait until you see Tyreese

.....Tyreese came and even my love for Cutty couldn't stop me from hating his character
So then it was, yeah I know this show still sucks but wait until The Governor storyline kicks in

.....and the Governor storyline started and the show was still
Then the comic fans told me well, wait until the cannibals show up

......some okay moments, but overall still
When I stopped watching, the Beth Storyline was going on with everyone hates Chris, and I was told Morgan had appeared, but I just couldn't muster up the energy to spend 4-5 hours watching it so I could catch up. I had only been really watching it so I could crack jokes and have fun with people online as the show aired. Without that fukkery, there was no way I could have enjoyed wasting a perfectly good Saturday on a show that kept delivering empty promises. I was free
I think I ended up binging The Sopranos instead and finally let go of that L
I do remember when season 6 came back around, I heard the internet saying just you wait until Negan shows up....the end all be all....before Negan won't compare to After Negan....

.....and I briefly thought about binging so I could watch....but man I saw those 10 episodes or so staring at me and I felt too overwhelmed to even fake like I could do it

Def not falling for the "just wait until blank happens" that the comic fans love to dangle in front of bored show only viewers anymore.
I'm hearing that the show is as bad as it's ever been, even post-Negan, but as always, there is another promise, just wait until All Out War

fukk you
I think that is the real danger in the bleeding of viewers that the show has at the moment. Not that fans aren't watching the show anymore, but that they will stop watching it live, and treating it as an event that must be shared with everyone else as it airs. And the moment that happens is the moment apathy could creep in. And before you know it, the person saying "I'll catch up later" might turn into the "I don't feel like watching 4 straight hours of this". When you take away the water cooler aspect of watching the show, you take away a large incentive to even watch the show.