NAFTA was renegotiated and changed to USMCA in 2020. I believe it changed the ratio of cars being manufactured in each country.That Union shyt works in a world of trade barriers.
If the company can't pivot and make shyt in Mexico or China, then the Unions have power.
But since the trade barriers were dropped (NAFTA and shyt like that).. companies have other options.
I saw this happen with a large mfg company I worked for. The Union would not work with them and accept the compensation they were offering. So they just said fukc it. Closed every plant in NE Ohio and just started making their shyt down south and overseas.
They closed every plant in the town that the company was born in. shyt was cold blooded.
I'm not anti union, but if they can hire 8 Chinese for what they pay one American.. and the American works 4 hours a day (cause they sleep on the job and make sure things take 2x as long as they have to) while the Chinese all work 12 hours a day.. theres simply no way to compete.
Would you hire a union worker to cut your grass once for $200 or pay a Mexican $200 for the whole Summer. The Union worker will play his radio and be in your yard for 8 hours mostly just chilling smoking a cig. The Mexican will cut that shyt and be gone before 9am and all you'll hear is the mower.
I work with foreigners all day everyday in tech. And they're much lazier and do shytty work for the most part. No kind of pride in their work but companies are only concerned with the lower labor costs.
From what I've seen from Mexican workers. The reason it looks like they work harder is companies can afford to hire more of them to do the same job. I remember my company got rid of the all black cleaning company. And hired this other company who employed nothing but Hispanics. They probably had 3x as many employees to do the same job cleaning 2 buildings. But somehow did a worse job with that many more people. I've seen the same thing in landscaping, maintenance and construction jobs. How they don't pay attention to detail and only concerned with working fast. And that's all companies care about is doing the work as quickly and cheaply as possible quality be damned.