The UFO/UAP disclosure thread

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Yeah, I’m not doing this with you. I’m on my phone right now with lots of work to do.


Bedsides, I’ve already posted several UFO/UAP videos when I first started this thread. You can just go back, find them and prove how they’re all “misinterpreted data” if you’d like though.

I've already debunked many of those videos in the thread. Post ANY video that you believe is your best proof of a technologically impossible action if you think I haven't already debunked it.

By the way, I know you know this, but the brand new radar system on the Princeton ship showed that those objects went from 60,000 feet to 50 feet in a matter of seconds.

Where is your evidence of this? Someone claimed it. That is ALL you know. No one has ever produced any video or any other recording of this happening on radar to even give us a starting point to look into it.

But for the record, you are HILARIOUS in saying that your go-to YouTube guy has more validity in recognizing UFOs than several trained, seasoned, fighter pilots who are actually in the sky all the time flying aircraft.

What is your YouTube guy an expert in exactly? Seems like his big credential is a YouTube channel? I see videos of him explaining reptilian eyes and ghost dolls as well..

To be clear, there are several trained pilots and famed astrophysicists like Michio Kaku, etc. - that are WAY WAY WAYYYYY more qualified than that YouTube guy who assert that those are incredible feats. (They have videos on YouTube too btw 😊)

This just shows you're clueless about the nature of authority. If you really wanted to poll the top 100 people in any particular relevant scientific field and ask them whether they think extraterrestrials are flying around America, you "believers" would get your ass kicked in that poll. But this isn't some sort of blind "Argument from Authority" where you just toss a resume out there and then declare your answer final. We're talking actual analysis where you SHOW YOUR WORK.

If you want to know Mick West's background, he's a computer programmer who has published high-quality peer-reviewed research on atmospheric phenomena. But he doesn't rely on his own knowledge, he makes his debunking videos with the input of dozens, sometimes even hundreds of collaborators many of whom have backgrounds in engineering and other scientific fields. He takes a video, starts discussing what is known about it, gets feedback from experts in the field, does deeper research into the particular issues they bring up, and tests out those ideas as they relate to the images and data in the video. He doesn't just say, "Well I'm XYZ and I believe" like so many of these fraudsters that get posted here.

That's what I rely on - the strength of the research and the demonstrated displays within his videos once he has brought all that combined knowledge together. You never once have to just take his word for it.

Also lol at you thinking "trained pilots" have any special authority - only someone who has never known a military pilot could say that sorta shyt. Pilots are just regular people, goofballs like any of the rest of us, easily as prone to mistakes of interpretation and silly errors as anyone else. You can be a dumbass all the way through high school, have no chance at college, believe all sorts of wacky ideas, join the military, have no technical background whatsoever, and if you stay long enough, perform well, and get lucky with your application you too can become a military pilot and one day even an expert trainer of other pilots. All that means is that you have a firm handle on controlling your vehicle. It doesn't say jack shyt about your ability to evaulate little objects you saw briefly a long ways off that are flying like anything other than another military plane.
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Agent Mulder

Fight The Future
May 26, 2012

Very cool. I’ve never seen anything like this.
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