The tyranny of female hypoagency


Apr 30, 2012
All these long posts about this and not one of you has actually mentioned @DaygoTaco yet.

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the mechanic

Greasy philosophy
Feb 8, 2013
What about the culture of misogyny. Why arent you angry about the people who threaten rape victims
:ehh: I dont see your point..i posted my thoughts in the ohio case..those boys have received too little time and there has been quite some public outrage about much outrage is there when female teachers molest male students? How many people say those boys were raped?

Like I asked before... how are men being oppressed today?
Read my previous posts

Again work these men choose to do. You can't be voluntarily oppressed
If youre born into a system of oppression you wouldnt even notice it....thats why youre riding so hard in this thread isnt it?Youre catching feelings because instinctively youre aware

She might want to do something besides stay home and raise your kids though.
And like i said if we both agree on it ..thats perfect..whoever is better at it and more willing should

No for so many reasons. One beign that w/women unable to work they are completely dependent on and subject to men who may abuse and exploit them. Women only started to choose their roles in society in the last 100 years
:ehh:Good to see you stayed awake for womens studies 101..but they lied to you... Truth is not many people got to chose their role in life in those days and even now..feminism helped at first... women got to vote,get educated ,careers etc and that was all good but the movement got coopted and turned into socialism in a it serves the interests of the welfare warfare state

Name one goal the feminist movement achieved in the 50s. Name one difference between the feminist movement then and now. And cite sources.
What the fukk? This isnt will need to give me a research grant or just google it yourself
Socialist feminism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Feminism and Socialism: putting the pieces together | DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST PERSPECTIVE

7200 men falsely accused vs millions of women whose rapes go unreported... yea the falsely reported rapes are clearly the bigger issue here.
MILLIONS per year in the US really b? You believe that?

No offense but you are one of them.

[ame=]Eminem - The Way I am ( Uncensored ) - YouTube[/ame]

You have yet to substantiate anything you say w/hard evidence and even openly state an aversion to "statistics". At least Reincar had some hard evidence to fall back on. You hate "feminism" but don't know anything about it.

"Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital." 'Aaron Levenstein

Actually im really good at math and statistics and its you who hasn't made a decent argument here..i see alot of emotion but very little in the way of substance ...
The MRAs would say youre a classic white knight subconsciously seeking admiration and praise from some female figure in the noble task of defending women because they are women...carry on don Quixote

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
I find men who complain about feminine issues are usually very feminine themselves, just a observation

I find it interesting that people who criticize men that criticize feminism as being feminine. Aren't feminists and their supporters supposed to be in celebration of femininity?

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
ITT: People that lob similar ad hominem insults at MRAs that they did at early feminists:

  • Ugly
  • Pathetic
  • Unsuccessful
  • Bad with the opposite sex
  • Bitter
  • Uncharismatic
  • Don't know how to assume their gender role

Problem is, people in this forum seem to have a really hard time separating taking the liberal stance on things from taking the correct stance on things. There are a lot of issues that these guys bring up, but the majority of the people ITT don't even want to watch the entire videos because they're too long. Even when they become hyperbolic at certain points, that doesn't make the issues that the bring up go away as much as people would like them to go away.

Not really sure why women are such a sacred cow on this board. Or why people seem to not be addressing any of the points in the videos directly. All I hear is a bunch of hemming and hawing over how pathetic the people that disagree with you are. :stopitslime:

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
Yeah he called The Real a sexist (against men), but he co-signs this dikkless loser talking about all womens' gyms are tyranny? :heh:

Who says I cosigned with the person in this particular video? I kinda like how you'd post this guy, who's video I've never seen but not GWW's video. Again, nothing but ad-hom in this video, but hey, I guess if you don't like what I say you can just insult me.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Who says I cosigned with the person in this particular video? I kinda like how you'd post this guy, who's video I've never seen but not GWW's video. Again, nothing but ad-hom in this video, but hey, I guess if you don't like what I say you can just insult me.

That's where I figured you got the phrase from. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the guy in the vid coin the phrase "tyranny of female hypoagency"?

And how did I insult you? I just pointed out the absurdity of calling The Real a sexist because he believes patriarchal structure in India led to a high number of rapes (how is that sexist, it's a causal hypothesis :wtf:) then co-signing (I thought) a blatant undeniable woman hater and his cockamanie unscientific drivel.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
That's where I figured you got the phrase from. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the guy in the vid coin the phrase "tyranny of female hypoagency"?

And how did I insult you? I just pointed out the absurdity of calling The Real a sexist because he believes patriarchal structure in India led to a high number of rapes (how is that sexist, it's a causal hypothesis :wtf:) then co-signing (I thought) a blatant undeniable woman hater and his cockamanie unscientific drivel.

Jesus fukking Christ. You insulted me by maligning me with what you described as pussified MRA's (along with every other pseudo-intellectual asswipe ITT). My problem with what @The Real was saying "men rape," seeming to only want to blame maleness and masculinity for the increased rate of rape in India and no willingness to include some other factor in Indian culture that might be causing this, as well.

And no, stop setting up straw men and insulting me personally. It's causing me to take you, a person I would otherwise agree with on quite a bit, much less seriously.
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Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Jesus fukking Christ. You insulted me by maligning me with what you described as pussified MRA's (along with every other pseud-intellectual asswipe ITT. My problem with what @The Real was saying "men rape," seeming to only want to blame maleness and masculinity for the increased rate of rape in India and no willingness to include some other factor in Indian culture that might be causing this, as well.

And no, stop setting up straw men and insulting me personally. It's causing me to take you, a person I would otherwise agree with on quite a bit, much less seriously.

:wtf: Again, did the phrase "tyranny of female hypoagency" come from the video or not? Nobody set up any strawmen or attacked you personally. I didn't make this thread to insult you. I made the thread to share the video (and point out how stupid it is admittedly). You just gave me the impetus to research the phrase. But the thread isn't about you.

If you do co-sign the views expressed in the video, then it would be pretty peculiar in light of the fact that you called The Real a sexist based on dubious reasoning to say the least while this guy is saying stuff like "women have nothing of value to bring any relationship other than their uteruses and vaginas" for 25 minutes.

What's more insulting was your charge that peoples' views on women here are predicated on nothing more than liberal orthodoxy, as if people aren't taking a sober look at facts and coming to their own conclusions, and are rather just marching along in lockstep with "liberal" ideology
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The Real

May 8, 2012
My point was that the zeitgeist is what is the issue..not specifically particular women..for example the ad i posted was certainly made by graduates of a top tier college arts program who would certainly have been exposed to feminism in college..perhaps indoctrinated by taking some womens studies .
Therein lies the problem..the misandry is so pervasive it has become almost invisible even men find it normal or funny.

First of all, women's studies classes definitely do not teach "misandry." I think this is a case of you seeing the extremists used as tokens by the MRAs and generalizing from there. Additionally, the vast majority of people with liberal arts degrees are not required to take such classes, and don't.

As for the ad, you find it simply anti-men, whereas as I pointed out, the nagging, controlling wife stereotype is a longtime sexist trope used against women, so it's not a simple situation. Why would feminists, who rail specifically against those kinds of stereotypes, be an influence on an ad that uses them?

:yeshrug: Its the anger of the oppressed..i certainly dont harbor it nor find it useful

I think "oppressed" is pushing it too far. When it comes to actual power, men still have the lion's share.

Hazardous work is done exclusively by men everywhere..usually to provide a living for his woman and children..its one of the reasons we live shorter lives

Exclusively, everywhere isn't true, and not just because of the recent push towards equality in many places. But regardless, that's an empirical fact- it doesn't really say much about anything one way or another, just like any other snapshot of society at a particular time.

:ehh: I doubt my wife would ever want to switch places with me cutting and welding under greasy cars for a little more autonomy

Maybe, maybe not. The real question is whether she really has the choice or opportunity to pursue it, if she wants to.

My point was that the labor/risk/benefit curve has always worked against men since the days of clubbing wild animals for dinner..feminism has only made it worse

This universal history of men braving the elements and wild beasts thing is largely a myth. As I posted in the other thread, remember that when we were still hunter-gatherers living out in the wild, the division of labor was much more egalitarian than it would become after the agricultural revolution. Men and women were hunting, and men and women were gathering. This much, we know for sure. The idea that this was a universal role is largely the result of patriarchal religious teachings that arose much later- ironically, when settled farming became the main way of life and conditions in general were much less dangerous than when we were hunting/gathering out in the wilderness.

As for feminism making it worse, I'm not sure I understand your point. Have feminists strived to create a culture in which the division of labor is even more unequal than before? That's counterintuitive and antithetical to the history and definition of feminism, which has always been about reducing the social gap between men and women.

Perhaps you misunderstood my position..i have nothing against the stay at home moms per se ..i think its fantastic to take care of your own children... but these are arrangements that dont have to conform to gender and should be worked out by the parents not imposed on them

I agree completely, but I don't think it's women who have been mostly responsible for making those roles conform to gender or imposing them on society at large.

This could be a whole thread in itself but suffice to say the feminist movement of the 50s and is not the one we have now ...IMO every idealistic movement is inevitably always coopted and used against the very same people it should help

In the beginning it may have been about freedom and dignity and who could argue against that but somewhere it turned into a "some animals are more equal than others" animal farm moment and that was tolerable but then the demonising of men started and that was too much to bear so these guys started speaking out.

You'll have to explain further, and maybe show some evidence for this. As far as I'm aware, there are no major differences in the feminist movement now. It still has most of the same goals (since they were not achieved in the 60s, just like the modern racial equality movements) and most of the same flaws (white, middle-class women still dominate it.)

:ld: Im not too big on stats but by your own posted source 2-8% are false accusations..according to the FBI 90,000 rapes thats 7200 men EVERY YEAR who will themselves be raped in jail.. the women who make these malicious reports rarely get punished

This woman will even do it to a cop..what chance does a regular guy have

Well, let's assume that all these false accusers get sent to jail and raped (which isn't necessarily true.) That number still pales in comparison to the number of actual rapes that aren't dealt with. And as I said, we can assume the stats are skewed against men, and so to compensate you could triple or even multiply the number by 10... and it would still not compare. Of course, this is not to downplay the issue, but it has to be put in perspective.

Additionally, I agree that male rape doesn't get the attention it deserves, but I don't think women are mostly to blame for male rape being underreported and underserved as an issue, unless you think the modern image of masculinity, the (homophobic,) emasculating shame that is associated with with being raped, and the penal system are all controlled by women.

Note i said feminism...not women theres a distinction...and I came to that conclusion on my own..its actually pretty simple ..i can elaborate further if you wish

Please do.

I agree there are alot of wierdos on the bandwagon :yeshrug: some are even christian, some are right wing,some are homophobes ...thats why i would hesitate to self identify as an MRA but i do agree with some of the core issues that i laid out.

Yes, for a movement that is allegedly pro-men, it seems to only be ok with straight, stereotypically masculine men, which is part of the mass confusion that defines it as an entity.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
ITT: People that lob similar ad hominem insults at MRAs that they did at early feminists:

  • Ugly
  • Pathetic
  • Unsuccessful
  • Bad with the opposite sex
  • Bitter
  • Uncharismatic
  • Don't know how to assume their gender role

Problem is, people in this forum seem to have a really hard time separating taking the liberal stance on things from taking the correct stance on things. There are a lot of issues that these guys bring up, but the majority of the people ITT don't even want to watch the entire videos because they're too long. Even when they become hyperbolic at certain points, that doesn't make the issues that the bring up go away as much as people would like them to go away.

Not really sure why women are such a sacred cow on this board. Or why people seem to not be addressing any of the points in the videos directly. All I hear is a bunch of hemming and hawing over how pathetic the people that disagree with you are. :stopitslime:
Wow what a cop out

People who cosign sexual equality aren't liberal drones. There are a few brays in here who hate liberals and cosign feminist ideals, which pretty much knocks this theory off its post

Meanwhile I can point to "turning point" instances of MRA dudes & their trajectory into chronic failures with women. Not to mention a dude who says or cosigns statements like "women aren't good for anything but their uteruses" probably isn't in or hasn't recently had a fulfilling relationship with a woman in any capacity. One can't be constantly consumed w/anger and frustration w/someone they either have no problems with or are happy with

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
Wow what a cop out

People who cosign sexual equality aren't liberal drones. There are a few brays in here who hate liberals and cosign feminist ideals, which pretty much knocks this theory off its post

Meanwhile I can point to "turning point" instances of MRA dudes & their trajectory into chronic failures with women. Not to mention a dude who says or cosigns statements like "women aren't good for anything but their uteruses" probably isn't in or hasn't recently had a fulfilling relationship with a woman in any capacity. One can't be constantly consumed w/anger and frustration w/someone they either have no problems with or are happy with

:aicmon: Who says that I'm against sexual equality? And what of my personal "failures" with women are you going to point to that explains my alleged adversarial stance to your views of sexual equality? This whole thread was based on a straw man maligning me with what some video that I've never even seen before has to say on this topic. This might surprise you, but the people that disagree with you aren't monolithic in thought, either.

Again, the bolded here pretty much reiterates what I just said. Nothing but straw men and ad hom itt.