That’s the twist!
They were the humans and she was the alien!
There is another episode similar to this with the astronauts landing on this planet that was inhabited by tiny tiny beings. One of them bounced but the other astronaut stayed to rule over and terrorize the little beings!
Yep. Again shows the nature of people. Dude was so caught up in being worshipped that he pulled the blicky out on his captainUntil another ship landed and then he was the tiny being
That's what makes this series so classic. Every sci-fi and horror movie can be traced back to Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits.Rod Serling is the GOAT television writer. Television drama begins with him, and his influence can be seen on every great television drama of the past 60 years.
Watching this on New Years has been a tradition since I don’t know when. Back when I lived in NY I’d watch the honeymooners as wellTwilight Zone on a 3 day marathon on Decades Channel fyi