Grand Eeezus Maxwell
"Time is when, God....lounge!!"
It's a Good Life
Anthony]: You're a bad man! You're a very bad man! And you keep thinking bad thoughts about me!!
[woman screams in terror]
[Father]:Wish it into the cornfield Anthony!! Please son, wish it into the cornfield, Please!!
[Anthony looks at victim's wife]: And you mustn't think bad thoughts about me either or I'll do the same thing to You!
[Anthony to piano player]: Play some more music!
[Father]: It was good what you done to Dan, real good.
[Piano player (nervously)]: It was Swell , just ...Swell. It was really good.
They had an update in the 80's version of TZ called "It's Still A Good Life", with the same actor. The 80's Twilight Zone had some gems in it, including one that preceded the Matrix("Dreams For Sale")
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