with dragic on our squad the offense doesn't just fall apart whenever wade goes to the bench now.
keeps us in games longer. and everybody knows how wade is in the fourth.
But ths is the same thing some of these cats used to scream at Spo about. Spo doesnt believe in throwing players in when the other team is ona run just to offset their run. He believes in resting players for a certain amount of time so they can be well rested by the time they go back in. Only person he didnt do that with was Lebron.
Not saying he's a great coach at all.

Just that he has his weird method that does help aging vets by not wearing them out. Even Ray Allen gave him props for it. His offensive sets are trash but every now and then he'll come up with some sick sh!t. Defense... I thought he was good in the finals vs OKC. Hasnt done sh!t since