The Tribal Chief Roman Reigns Appreciation Thread


All Star
Jun 12, 2012
I dunno breh

On one hand I agree with you that Sasha is the biggest star in the company and should be treated/pushed as such.

But it looks like they’re slow burning a Roman face turn with Paul turning on him for Brock. I think tribal chief as a face will easily be over with the fans.

the main reason why his character currently clicks is because of how much of a cocky azzhole he is, how much he backs up that cockiness in that ring when necessary, and the brilliant ways he manipulates and exploits paul/jey/jimmy so they can "fall in line", kiss his ass and do his bidding.. if paul is not in his corner, and wwe books him to be as corny/dumb as they normally book faces, i don't see how the tribal chief as we know him could click as a face..

tbh i want to be wrong about this though, because from all accounts he's a good dude/locker room leader who is a great heel, is great in the ring, and most of all kicked cancer's ass, so if i am wrong, feel free to quote this post in the future and ill take the loss lol :yeshrug:

I guarantee you that the majority of people here didn't even remember that until you brought it up, the most memorable line during that whole feud was Reigns "Missionary position" line. Cena being the insecure person he is immediately went the burial route and it still didn't work. You say Roman isn't the guy but he's been getting the biggest reactions for over a whole year, and he's selling the most merchandise in the company right now.

john cena had a good comeback to that missionary line too though that roman couldn't top when cena said "if you meet someone who gives you good and consistent missionary for 20 years, keep her" :russ:.. the fact that he gets the biggest reactions (at shows that are half full/tarped off with the people that are there being moved to the hard camera side) and sells the most merchandise as a heel is more of a testament to wwe's shytty booking than his drawing power.. i read a house show report the other day that said he won the main event against supposed top babyface finn balor to send the crowd home happy, wtf? :mjlol: you're supposed to want to see the heel get his azz kicked not the face, imagine the crowd being upset that they didn't get to see triple h kick rock's azz in 2000?..

a huge part of roman's current success is because the wwe right now is in a transitional phase, going from focusing on indie darling work rate guys to hosses with big personalities, putting their efforts towards building up these potential future faces of the company like bron, melo, and odyssey, while the ready-made potential top babyface talent they already have like big e, xavier, montez, and otis (his character work with mandy was memorable and top tier) are either lost in the shuffle or barely doing their thing but not being viewed/pushed as being on the same level of roman..

a top heel needs a top babyface to play off of, but roman doesn't have one, which is why he currently feels kind of stale, and why interest in the product has been waning recently despite his good run so far.. the wwe needs to step their booking up fast because roman is a great wrestler in his prime who has acting chops and is probably going to hollywood soon, and he deserves a better rival to play off of than a past his prime 44 year old farmer who wrestles in his free time once or twice a year..

roman rose to his current position behind a corporate push

they simply force fed the crowd until enough sheep sipped the cool-aid

it wasn't a classic match classic promo etcetera

they created the propaganda of him being the top guy without him actually being the top guy

just look at the difference in booking around the two champs

they book big.e like a struggle champion even though he's the one that is showing cultural relevance

it's something off in the way they handle things it's like if you are not a corporate product they wanna nerf your potential

like how they are tryna bury bianaca currently

:mjpls: :sas2:

they on some shyte..........


all facts.. wwe shoehorned roman back into the main event scene, winning the title out of nowhere with no build up or anticipation, and essentially did that same "throw shyt at the wall and see if it sticks" approach with him again, except this time it stuck and he got over because of the lack of crowds at the beginning of his run and how they pulled all the punches, oversaturating him giving him a bunch of segments on each show, a new crew with paul/usos, and the strongest booking they've given someone in a minute..

big e is one of the physically strongest dudes on the roster with good promo skills who is doing appearances at breakfast club and major sporting events holding it down for the culture, but they got him on tv every week getting played and beat down by an out of shape guy who is probably not even going to still be with the company in a few months in kevin owens.. we could be witnessing an amazing "last hurrah" run with owens/sami as tag team champs right now, but they got owens going through the motions and wasting our time feuding with big e instead, smh..

based on how things have played out so far they should have just kept the title on lashley, and continued to build big e up to beat roman for the universal title at wrestlemania on smackdown.. maybe if big e drops the wwe title and wins the rumble to challenge roman at mania, or if he holds on to the title and challenges roman to a "winner takes all" match at mania, they can salvage the damage they have done to him so far..

i really hope they dont end up playing him like they did kofi with brock, but in the end, time will tell on how seriously they view him as a top guy and what kind of champ he will be..

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
@RegB I agree with a lot of what you’re saying

It was a huge mistake to job Demon King out to Roman. If Finn was gone lose anyway they could have done the same thing with regular Finn, even that whole sequence at the end of the match. They could have used that to build an actual feud between Roman and Demon King since they basically treat Demon King and Finn like they’re 2 separate people anyway.

Demon could have been the top Babyfsce for him to go at it with, instead they job him out just yo give Roman another notch being the first one to beat him :gucci:

Far as face Tribal Chief being over, he doesn’t necessarily have to change his persona up too much to be face.

Metal Face

Dec 27, 2015
John cena proved it this summer when he roasted Roman’s whole life with that quick “bars of soap for teeth” Line :mjlol: that Roman had no good comeback to

That's WWE's own fault for booking them dumbass shoot promos

They should've booked Roman to inviserate Cena on the mic to get revenge for those 2017 The Rock did to Hogan in 2003 :martin:
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C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
all facts.. wwe shoehorned roman back into the main event scene, winning the title out of nowhere with no build up or anticipation, and essentially did that same "throw shyt at the wall and see if it sticks" approach with him again, except this time it stuck and he got over because of the lack of crowds at the beginning of his run and how they pulled all the punches, oversaturating him giving him a bunch of segments on each show, a new crew with paul/usos, and the strongest booking they've given someone in a minute..

big e is one of the physically strongest dudes on the roster with good promo skills who is doing appearances at breakfast club and major sporting events holding it down for the culture, but they got him on tv every week getting played and beat down by an out of shape guy who is probably not even going to still be with the company in a few months in kevin owens.. we could be witnessing an amazing "last hurrah" run with owens/sami as tag team champs right now, but they got owens going through the motions and wasting our time feuding with big e instead, smh..

based on how things have played out so far they should have just kept the title on lashley, and continued to build big e up to beat roman for the universal title at wrestlemania on smackdown.. maybe if big e drops the wwe title and wins the rumble to challenge roman at mania, or if he holds on to the title and challenges roman to a "winner takes all" match at mania, they can salvage the damage they have done to him so far..

i really hope they dont end up playing him like they did kofi with brock, but in the end, time will tell on how seriously they view him as a top guy and what kind of champ he will be..
all the way on point*


Feb 15, 2017
Golden △
I never thought about the fact that Roman doesn’t have that strong face counter part to go against him. They’ll probably try and throw Drew in for that In a few months.


Apr 3, 2017
There's only one face who can defeat our Tribal Chief
