The Tragic Mulatto: Downfall of Lolo Jones

May 1, 2012


This might seem semi-harmless now, but in context, it was pretty shytty. Right in the middle of the trial when battle lines were fukking DRAWN, she's a minor celebrity and she held the cause back with this shyt. She validated racist beliefs during the trial.


rachel jeantel is a fukking EMBARRASSMENT to black people who contributed to that murderous piece of shyt zimmerman getting off. call it what it is.


All Star
Jan 30, 2013
Contributed? :comeon:You really think Zimmerman wasn't going to get off from the get go... :stopitslime:

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
Shut the fukk up c*nt.

:dahell::dahell: Did you just type up a dissertation capping this dumb bytch?:aicmon: What personality nikka?:comeon: Aint nobody here think she is the devil :dahell:.

It is interesting how cacs think those two women that won gold and bronze were unsportsmanlike when they tried to bring up the fact that their stories have not received as much attention as Lolo, but when ol'girl was whining that she didn't win, that was considered being a "passionate athlete".

ALL You nikkaZ


I get a feeling that you did not watch the entire videos I posted. I understand LOLO is the product of media hype and given that she is pretty much a loser at her own profession I don't blame her for running with the hype and getting all she could out of it. HOwever she is not totally as innocent as you make her out to be. SHe's not some target that people decided to just gang up on and pick on her just because she was attractive.

As it showed in the beginning video she had tremendous character flaws. She could never own up to her own mistakes. When she lost it was always somebody else's fault. When others beat her she showed bad sportsmanship and didn't even stay on the track long enough to congratulate the winners EVEN WHEN THEY WERE HER OWN TEAMMATES. She got caught up in her own hype and that's why people say what they say about her. She came off as arrogant and pretentious which would be acceptable if she was a winner but she was not, hence the negative feedback. Danica Patrick is the same way, all attitude with none of the stats to back it up. Imagine Kobe's arrogance with Kwame Brown's skill level and you have what LoLo Jones is.

The problem with your lame ass rebuttal is that Lolo Jones has 3 NCAA Championships, won 3 indoor championships and is the AMERICAN RECORD HOLDER in the hurdles.

She's NOT Kwame Brown. She's LeBron James when he used to choke in the playoffs every year. BIG DIFFERENCE.

She was the favorite in 2008, because she had spent years whooping people's asses in that exact event.

She became the darling of the Olympics because she was WINNING HER EVENT when she tripped. She was litterally steps from winning a gold medal. That's not Kwame Brown.

What happened was she was and is TOO OLD to win her event in 2012. 2008 was her year and she wasted it, which happens. The same shyt happens all the time in the Olympics, but you nikkaz is acting like she was shyt before the Olympics, which is just false.

She was no.1 in the world, which makes her inherently NOT OVERRATED.

That's like those nikkaz who acted like LeBron wasn't great before he started winning championships, when he had MVP's and scoring titles in Cleveland

And since when do nikkaz care about sportsmanship?

Please, Ali, Dennis Rodman, Michael Jordan, and a ton of nikkaz have been a$$holes to their opponents and teammates and I nore nobody else gives a shyt.

Hell, the nikka you brought up, Kobe Bryant is the most assholiest teammate of all-times.

No offense but you sound like a fukking idiot. No one had claimed Lolo to be the fukking "devil." Everyone is just pointing out that she isn't deserving of the accolades and attention she is getting when she hasn't done shyt. The fact your simple ass can't see this shows your stupidity.

So all the records she broke, all the NCAA championships, world indoor titles, and being the overwhelming FAVORITE in Beijing, was made up by simple ass, then?


I don't even care about the bytch, but you nikkaz just hate her cuz she light-skin and White people like her. THAT type of retarded "light-skin/dark-skin" shyt I read from you nikkaz ever week on here is what's getting on my nevers

Y'all turning somebody who was the no. 1 ranked herdler and was a few steps from winning a gold medal before tripping into Kwame Brown and shyt.