I put this off because the Left kept calling this alt right porn

this show is flames and gives a pov at all sides of the military industrial complex. There's one thing this show discussed that most people overlook in general. Pratt's character gets to talking about what he needs to, to bring peace to himself...he says some along the lines of how its foolish of him and others to expect trained warriors like him to operate normally in modern society. His actions are a normal response to grief because his country made him that way yet never provides ppl like Pratt with the means to cope. It is why Vets don't like going to the VA.... America doesn't care about its soldiers. This is a borderline anti military series.
I can see why someone would talk about alt right propaganda..... them clowns automatically stand anything put fascism on front street. Like them dudes love Full Metal Jacket, an anti-war film, that constantly pokes fun at their ideology.
This series starts off with how the government fukks mentally ill vets over and hard doubles down on it by the end. This cac is out here assassinating government officials in public.

These alt right fukks are too preoccupied with race to even go after the establishment.