This is the kinda woman that will end up being your supervisor on your job
think she just turned 17 brehshorty on the right
is this considered harrasment
she argues like a sociology major.She is combative with Tariq but Billy the Anglo gets her softer, submissive feminine side
Great to see black women doing their part in further criminalizing black males. Couple of more generations of hard work like this and several more million of your sons fed to the system, and you may potentially be rewarded for your dedication and actually overtake Asian women in the eyes of the white male. Stay focused.
av + comment = pos repThis is the kinda woman that will end up being your supervisor on your job
Think of the implications breh the implicationsshorty on the right
is this considered harrasment
I meant to say she seems like a nice respectable femalethink she just turned 17 breh
She is natural too