I listened to him for a little, but he is full of shyt saying that black communities don't really have elevated levels of violent crime, and that black folk are merely charged for crimes more than whites.
He doesn't even believe that himself.
But we are charged more.
Research Confirms that Entrenched Racism Manifests in Disparate…
- Bias by decision makers at all stages of the justice process disadvantages black people. Studies have found that they are more likely to be stopped by the police, detained pretrial, charged with more serious crimes, and sentenced more harshly than white people. For example, a 2004 study found that when police officers were asked “who looks criminal?” and shown a series of pictures, they more often chose black faces than white ones.
- Also, a 2013 study found that federal prosecutors are more likely to charge black people than similarly situated white people with offenses that carry higher mandatory minimum sentences.The notion of “black on black crime”—recently invoked to counter #BlackLivesMatter protests of police shootings of black men by suggesting that the actual problem is black men shooting each other—is not borne out by statistics. A report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics found that most violence occurs between victims and offenders of the same race, regardless of race. The rate of both black-on-black and white-on-white nonfatal violence declined 79 percent between 1993 and 2015. The number of homicides involving both a black victim and black perpetrator fell from 7,361 in 1991 to 2,570 in 2016.
The late 80s and the 90s were an exceptional period of crime in the USA like the 20s and 30s.
There are only like a couple of blocks in the USA where it's legitimately dangerous and people getting shot everyday. That's not Black America as a whole. The media makes it look that way.
The Dangerous Racialization of Crime in U.S. News Media - Center for American Progress
Black Americans, and black men in particular, are overrepresented as perpetrators of crime in U.S. news media. This is especially true when looking at the incidence of violent crime. For example, one study of late-night news outlets in New York City in 2014 found that the media reported on murder, theft, and assault cases in which black people were suspects at a rate that far outpaced their actual arrest rates for these crimes. The news media also vilifies black people by presenting black crime suspects as more threatening than their white counterparts. It does this in several ways, such as by showing the mug shots of black suspects more frequently than those of white suspects; depicting black suspects in police custody more often; and paying greater attention to cases where the victim is a stranger.