I wasn't really feeling this.
It wasn't particularly engaging, and it didn't really have anything new or thought provoking to say.
Beyond its aesthetic, you never really get beneath the surface of the psyche of what the lead(s) are going through, to get a sense of their anxiety and malaise. Whilst watching it, I couldn't help but be reminded of Aronofsky's Black Swan (which managed to harness the chaos of femininity on a much grander and visceral scale).
And despite how groteseque and overripe it is, it still didn't go 'all the way' like it should have. There was a genuine missed opportunity to explore the sexuality between the young and old versions, where they amalgamated whilst in the act, with the beauty of the young and the contrary of the old (literally and figuratively wrestling with the idea of those iterations), which would've been a better use of the narrative rather than wasting time on the rather inconsequential scenes during the second act.