Saw this last night too. Thought it was very good. Loved the directors style and surreal set design, the way they shot people's faces, up close, and flawed. Thought it was too long and needed like 20 minutes cut, but not really complaining. Also thought it could have been more satirical of LA culture, it obviously was, and it wasn't subtle, but there's a lot of material that wasn't explored as far the club scenes, the food culture, the trends/social media but whatever. it's not my movie. Liked the constant billboard in her penthouse, that is a fixture of West LA life, every hotel on Sunset, you wake up to that.
as it was, it was a masterpiece of Cronenberg style body horror. Makes you uncomfortable. The first switch, and the food scenes were what got me the most. The special effects were stunning, the gore, themes of woman's bodies, and youth.
The cult like fixation on health and wellness to the detriment of all else. The color schemes in the hallways looked like a 90's movie theater. Reminded me of Body Double. The editing and the soundtrack. It's a really dope movie. It was a 'real' movie, in a sense that it looked good, and looked surreal, immersed you in it's world. The European influence was obvious. Goes way way over the top, like that Suspiria remake at the end.
pretty sure I know women that would probably do that lol we all probably do. The skin care routines, the masks, the mosturizuers, the products, the make up, the hair curlers, straighteners, lotions, creams, lip stick, eye liner