Great show. I still say The Wire is the greatest show of all-time. I might put Breaking Bad over this.
Can someone explain though why people and critics acclaim this as the greatest show of all time?
- Gandolfini acted his ass off. Wasn't really a fan of Tony. Found him to be self-centered, insecure and shortfused. Carmela stuck with his BS. I rooted for Walter White more.
- Dr. Melfi and Junior were my favorite characters. I have a thing for intelligent good looking women. I'm glad they didn't go the cliche route of her and Tony sleeping. She was the only person who would tell Tony how it was. Junior just killed me with his one liners that senile fukk lmao
- Silvio was close to being there and this might seem odd but that one scene where he punched that stripper in the face just wasn't necessary. It's why I didn't like Paulie as much anymore after he killed the old lady and the waiter
- The character I hated the most. Ralphie was a second
- I liked the character of Phil Leotardo. I would've liked to seen more dilemma in the streets kinda like with Phil-Tony instead of everything leading to handshakes and percentages lol
- How did AJ go from being a chubby cute kid to whiney as hell? Meadow was the same throughout
Now what the hell was that ending about? lol. I'm gonna take a shot and say the guy in the bathroom killed him? If so, the beef was squashed, who ordered it and why?
Drop in your thoughts about the show, favorite moments, characters, etc